notícias: Staff Test
Administrador do SiteSpeedrunCom2 years ago

make replies appear 3rd time

SuperGamer64 e grnts curtiu isso
notícias: Staff Test
Administrador do SiteSpeedrunCom2 years ago

Trying to make this set of replies appear

SuperGamer64 e grnts curtiu isso
notícias: Staff Test
Administrador do SiteSpeedrunCom2 years ago

Try to make other replies appear

SuperGamer64 e grnts curtiu isso
notícias: Staff Test
Administrador do SiteSpeedrunCom2 years ago

Reply to comment that is about to be deleted

SuperGamer64 e grnts curtiu isso
notícias: Staff Test
Administrador do SiteSpeedrunCom2 years ago
Esse comentário foi excluído
notícias: Staff Test
Administrador do SiteSpeedrunCom2 years ago

Testing nested deleted comment

SuperGamer64 e grnts curtiu isso
notícias: Staff Test
Administrador do SiteSpeedrunCom2 years ago

Or maybe on this one?

SuperGamer64 e grnts curtiu isso
notícias: Staff Test
Administrador do SiteSpeedrunCom2 years ago

Weren't there more replies to this?

SuperGamer64 e grnts curtiu isso
notícias: Staff Test
Administrador do SiteSpeedrunCom2 years ago

Testing replying and refreshing

SuperGamer64 e grnts curtiu isso
notícias: Staff Test
Administrador do SiteSpeedrunCom2 years ago
Esse comentário foi excluído
notícias: Staff Test
Administrador do SiteSpeedrunCom2 years ago

Testing edit date

SuperGamer64 e grnts curtiu isso
notícias: Staff Test
Administrador do SiteSpeedrunCom2 years ago

Testing what number happens when nested

SuperGamer64 e grnts curtiu isso
notícias: Staff Test
Administrador do SiteSpeedrunCom2 years ago

Testing Same Row Replies

SuperGamer64 e grnts curtiu isso
notícias: Staff Test
Administrador do SiteSpeedrunCom2 years ago

Testing replies to commenting

SuperGamer64 e grnts curtiu isso
notícias: Staff Test
Administrador do SiteSpeedrunCom2 years ago

Testing commenting

SuperGamer64, VyPr e 2 outros curtiu isso
notícias: Staff Test
Administrador do SiteSpeedrunCom2 years ago


VyPr e YUMmy_Bacon5 curtiu isso
Administrador do SiteSpeedrunCom2 years ago


Definitelykadenm, Zanum e 3 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
Administrador do SiteSpeedrunCom2 years ago

Hi all! Ban appeals sent to the support inbox are all read and reviewed, and if a case is reopened support will reach out to the original user. We unfortunately can't disclose ban reasons in order to protect privacy, but we'd love suggestions on improving the system through the feedback form, and it will all be taken into account when we review potential policy changes.

Gaming_64, grnts, e Walgrey curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
Administrador do SiteSpeedrunCom2 years ago

The link bug should be fixed now, and we're currently flagging all runs that were either submitted by or played by a user to make sure none fall through the cracks. If there is a different player versus submitter, the run will show up in both their lists. We know this may create longer lists, but our goal is to be as thorough as possible to minimize impact on the site.

Gaming_64, grnts e 3 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
Administrador do SiteSpeedrunCom2 years ago

Thank you for flagging, we'll look into this asap!

Gaming_64, grnts e 4 outros curtiu isso
Sobre SpeedrunCom
2 years ago
2 years ago