SohamMaoor1 year ago

To clarify quickly: this is NOT me asking for an existing bitstream.

I have a Nexys Video FPGA back from my uni days, and since the board has an HDMI input, mic+line inputs, and a USB output it seems feasible to me that I could make an HDMI capture card using the board. However, I don't know enough about USB to find even a starting point, so I wanted to ask here:

The UART USB output on the board supports up to 3Mbaud, what frame rate will that give my resulting capture card? (EDIT: there's also a FT2232H on the board, so DPTI and DSPI are also options)

How would one even go about routing the HDMI signal to USB? Would I simply send it all on the data line and then rely on hardware to "reassemble" the resulting serial data into the individual HDMI signals?

Again, I don't want an existing HDL design, I want to try and design this myself.

Sobre SohamMaoor
1 year ago
1 year ago