BrazilSakushiMei5 years ago

Just making a point here: we're not talking about adding a 10 FPS category for RE2R. That would surely make it to SGDQ 2021 but the point of the topic is changing res to avoid hits/grabs midrun.

TrichaelMan curtiram isso
BrazilSakushiMei5 years ago

Over claire / B runs in general you can lower your FPS to 10 and enemies simply don't hit you over certain places (this includes the starting licker). This is not allowed yet; should this be allowed?

BrazilSakushiMei5 years ago

I'd really like to see "No Knife" runs.

BrazilSakushiMei5 years ago

Board is fine the way it is rn IMO.

BrazilSakushiMei5 years ago

Then dump variable and have 60/120? I'm fine with this.

allancg, Ratslul e 4 outros curtiu isso
BrazilSakushiMei5 years ago

It's funny because I see people asking for 60 FPS cap, 120 FPS cap, but no one is really defending the variable FPS or OoB glitch. I haven't seen people defending NG+ for the sake of "I'm running it!" but "Others might run it!". Remember NG+ are just infinite ammo weapons instead of having all the items you had before -- and this makes a HUGE difference. On RE5 people ran and had all the items right for all the places; here, you'll still have to get your stuff.

60 FPS and 120 FPS are probably going to be the main categories (possibly even 144 FPS), with OoB a fun category (it's shit to run on A but might be good for B / 2nd simply because the zombies are in the right places once you find the right triggers on library).

All said: I'm fine with the current leaderboards. I'd rather have the FPS as a category* instead of just a column, but This Is Fine.

BrazilSakushiMei5 years ago

New versions! KREYGASM Time to test

Squirrelies curtiram isso
BrazilSakushiMei5 years ago

I agree with JTB. I have a powerful PC, but I'm also a fan of the og RE2. I don't want to play a broken game with a broken knife because it'll break bosses and take out the 'strategy' on ammo and inventory on hardcore runs. It's really personal; some people would rather go for 120 FPS and stunlock the bosses on a "NO" Major Glitches. Banning the knife seems silly to me, but I'd rather have that than have a broken game. Again, it's personal. Some people would rather see the game broken and stunlocked.

We're still on launch, so a lot of people will come and run the game for the first time and decide that the game is for them (or not, which will probably happen the most often). We can always change the categories in 15 days or 30 days. Routes usually take months to be truly optimized.

BrazilSakushiMei5 years ago

It's just not cool forcing a 3rd party program to FPS limit a game. SRT and livesplit are pretty much 'use it if you want', but if you need to use a 3rd party program some people will just drop the speedrun game.

BrazilSakushiMei5 years ago

I'd rather ban the knife on the NMG runs, but at the same time, people then will run at lower FPS because there's a lower chance of the zombie catching you (so locking at 30 FPS, console style).

BrazilSakushiMei5 years ago

Reposting because 2 knife posts for no reason:

It isn't about getting the FPS, is about unbreaking the already op af knife. The knife at 120 FPS is too broken for this game, even on hardcore. The game at 60FPS feels a lot better because you simply can't knife bosses to death, but at 120FPS you just stunlock everything to death.

NuZ e Danger_Sense curtiu isso
BrazilSakushiMei5 years ago

It isn't about getting the FPS, is about unbreaking the already op af knife. The knife at 120 FPS is too broken for this game, even on hardcore. The game at 60FPS feels a lot better because you simply can't knife bosses to death, but at 120FPS you just stunlock everything to death.

BrazilSakushiMei5 years ago

The game only has caps to 30 and 60 (+ varying). Capping at 120/144 requires a 3rd party source and tbh 60 FPS already too strong for the game (seriously, the knife at 60 already kicks ass). Just look at ALTTP speedrunning. A lot of people do glitchful and nmg but a lot of people now prefer nmg because glitchful is just broken and RE2R with OOB and other stuff is going to make this game and ALTTP (category wise) really similar. If you want the broken knife and go fast, just do a glitchful category.

NuZ e Danger_Sense curtiu isso
BrazilSakushiMei5 years ago

There's a airwalk into OOB glitch that lets you get the early spade key, which for leon might save up a few minutes, even more on the Leon B side (since the zombie just gets into the best position).

BrazilSakushiMei5 years ago

Is there an easy way to display the 60 FPS though?

BrazilSakushiMei5 years ago

60 FPS glitchless vs no fps limit glitchful IMO. I'm not really interested in doing doom-like skips (like the early club key) and they're not so much fun to watch; 60 FPS glitchless means you still do a lot of damage with the knife on some bosses (G1, G2, possible G3, tyrant), but since it's easy to get grabbed you can't do that for the whole fight (at least on hardcore).

BrazilSakushiMei5 years ago

Tested with Claire B and Leon B. (More feedback!)

G5 is also missing; Leon B tyrant is... kind of weird? He has a lot of HP (just like specified on the thread) but it seems that (1) he loses HP over time and (2) when he loses over 10K HP + uses his special attack (that needs to be stopped with flashbang or granade), the granade launcher spawns.

G4 also has a lot of HP but seems only 1% of the HP is lost over the fight, which is weird (so 1% = 100%). Since I also killed G4 with a flashbang, G4 might also lose HP over time.

Another note: using the Continue option with hardcore mode seems to not reset the timer, even if you start from the start. Be careful runners!

Squirrelies curtiram isso
BrazilSakushiMei5 years ago

Some feedback time! I've tested with a standard claire A run.

  1. G2 and G4 life didn't appear. G3 life worked like a charm.
  2. Sometimes zombies don't show as enemies, and sometimes they do.

Aside from that, I believe this worked really well! Regarding RE2 itself:

  1. Zombies have varying HPs, which is... well, weird. The damage the enemy takes also seems to vary.
  2. Hand granades, flame rounds and acid rounds do DOT.
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