Purpzie4 years ago

It would be pretty interesting, you'd need to get a diamond for the jukebox and a music disc as well as taming a parrot with seeds. The most difficult part would probably be finding the right world seed, you'd need to spawn near a jungle that has a music disc in a nearby dungeon and at least 1 diamond around. Plus this would technically be relevant with the parrot dance meme going around.

I'm very new to speedrunning as a whole and one of my friends suggested this to me, and we thought about different ways it could work. You're actually able to feed any seed type to parrots (pumpkin seeds, beetroot seeds, etc). So if you found a seed that has a village with farms as well as a blacksmith with a diamond, that would be the perfect setup, but considering it would also need a music disc nearby, I'm not sure. Maybe it could be done the old fashioned way just by mining, plus that part could include getting the music disc from the dungeon.

m, Acrogenous e 3 outros curtiu isso
Sobre Purpzie
4 years ago
5 months ago