tópico: The Site
United StatesPicante6 years ago

Unsure if this one is a bug, more like a bad design choice, but it seems that obsolete runs order by date/time approved rather than the times themselves. While this doesn't seem like it'd cause problems, for anyone that has multiple runs in the submission queue, moderators looking at runs in a different order than the runner submitted will cause the runs to appear out of order on their profile page.

For example, on my own profile page, these two games show my obsolete runs out of order due to the ordering they ended up being accepted in:

Simple fix would just be ordering them by time instead of date. I am unsure what problems that would foster if any or if it was intentionally set up the way it currently is for reasons I do not know, I just think this was closer to the intended design.

tópico: Talk
United StatesPicante6 years ago

If I were to see a run without a video, I'd just want all the supplemental evidence possible in order to feel more comfortable accepting it. It's less that providing splits means a run is legitimate and more that the inability to provide anything is fairly sketchy. Splits, a picture of the end of the run, really anything to show that you care about a run being perceived as real would help. Not being able to record video in this day and age is such a shoddy excuse in this day and age already, not putting in any effort to prove yourself on top of that is just unacceptable.

United StatesPicante6 years ago

Admittedly the NES and SNES versions of this game do run pretty differently, but I am a huge fan of having everything in the same place. I echo i_o_l’s statements in the other thread in that it makes sense to have all lost levels runs on the lost levels leaderbords. I don’t think anyone I know who’s serious about this game would consider themselves more of an all-stars runner rather than a lost levels runner.

The initial plan of having any% and warpless as subcategories in the all-stars leaderboard doesn’t make too much sense anyway since Mario and Luigi feature very different strategies and using extra variables on the same leaderboards (like for console version in the current SMB3 leaderboards) would detract from the significant differences. If you were to separate everything else and maker subcategories for luigi, mario, warpless, any% etc., you are just making it confusing again and not solving the issues this idea was originally meant to solve.

tópico: The Site
United StatesPicante6 years ago

I like options 1, 3, and 4, with the order of value being 3, 4, then 1.

I have done a bunch of work regarding the boogie-word that is SEO, as well as some web development for work so I understand that a clear, concise domain such as can help the site in an invaluable way. I think considering how much the general public has support for high score runs (a certain movie helped), I wouldn’t be surprised if the money is recouped and then some relatively quickly assuming the request is not incredibly unreasonable.

Making a new domain would also be a smart move. In terms of domains, there are a few options you can probably get to work (the one that stays in my head is, which currently redirects to, so you can maybe talk to the owner there). None as good as, but good enough that it wont negatively impact the site greatly. Getting a userbase to migrate as soon as possible would be the best way to have your site gain legitimacy as the centralized high score hub, and having a physical site actually usuable and populated is the best motivation there is.

For the same reasons as the last point of the above paragraph, having it on wouldn’t be the most ideal, but it isn’t terrible. I’d rather it not be just because as you’ve stated it isn’t the point of this site and it might confuse people/make it harder to navigate, especially if you are trying to find a site to submit high score runs on. “Why is the high score database on”. Probably overstating how bad it would be though. There is already a precedent of sites migrating to, as in, maybe you can make is or

I do want to note that while there has been a lot of discussion around high scores, especially given the updates around the King of Kong, I’m really unsure how much interest there truly is in the activity of going for high score world records. If we want to go by Twitch alone, this is anecdotal but I very very rarely have come across high score attempts being livestreamed in comparison to speedruns. Even the “holy grail” of high score attack games, Donkey Kong, doesn’t surpass 5k followers on the game directory, something that is easily done by even relatively esoteric runs like Lost Levels. On top of this, even places like Twin Galaxies, while they do have some activity, pale in comparison to I’m unsure how much the last point is due to the sites usability though, as it is both difficult to navigate and get scores accepted. All I’m trying to say is that before you really invest a huge amount of time to the site/features necessary, make sure the demand really is there. Some of this feels like preserving the legacy of high scores rather than making a future legacy to me.

All of that being said, I’m happily willing to lend a technical hand if you proceed to move forward with this.

CoolHandMike, love e 9 outros curtiu isso
United StatesPicante6 years ago

Chances are if you have to ask if you can become a mod, you aren't what the moderation team is looking for. They generally look for members of the community that already show leadership qualities.

If you want to submit a moderation request more broadly, I recommend doing so in this thread:

United StatesPicante6 years ago

I think that some of the people in this thread are wrong to say that WR as a goal is a bad mindset to have. People have very different motivations when it comes to speedrunning and what you choose to make your end goal should be decided by you and you alone. People like me, who like the competitive aspect even more than the self-improvement aspect of learning a game, can find going up in the leaderboards to be an amazing tool for motivation and avoiding burnout. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be the best at something, as long as you don't develop a toxic mindset around it.

You can use chasing records as a motivational tool but you need to understand some things:

  1. "I’m mainly worried about would be investing my time only to be working towards a record that could be improved by a couple seconds or less" is a horrible way to think about WR improvement. A record that you could improve by a huge chunk of time, unless the game is hours long, is probably a record someone like you would not want to grind for. You specifically said you are looking for records and good times, and a good time doesn't have more than a couple of seconds to lose in this category. Using your later example of running, you are wrongly referring to this category (and other shorter 2D Mario categories) as marathons when they are sprints. Ussain Bolt still dedicates his entire life to running despite being able to improve the record by literally hundredths of a second. If WR is your only goal, there are plenty of games with "free" WRs that you can take today, but I don't think your goal is to just have WR but a time you can be proud of.

  2. You need to be realistic. You are setting out to get a WR in a game that is incredibly optimized and the barriers are high. This is a longterm goal and you need to think of it this way. Someone who is not sure it is worth it to even grind for WR due to how optimized a game is probably isn't the type with convictions to grind for any competitive WR. While keeping in mind that you are setting out for WR isn't necessarily a bad thing, you need to keep short term goals in order to keep yourself motivated, such as sub 10, sub 9:58, 3rd place etc.

  3. There is an inherent toxicity those who use leaderboards as a motivational tool are predisposed to fall into and you need to get out of this trap. People who chase records tend to think no other times below WR matter, but if you value 1st place so much, 2nd and 3rd should be at least somewhat meaningful to you. Don't become demotivated by not being in first, become motivated by being the x best player "in the world". More importantly, don't treat those on the leaderboards as your enemies, don't be upset at people surpassing you, and remember that only you have the power to improve yourself. I think this is where all the opposition to "WR culture" comes from, just because the most toxic people in Twitch chat always love to trash the non-WR holders.

  4. On the topic of others, don't be demotivated by other people's experiences or grind in the game. Everyone improves at different paces and people come and go. To use your SMB1 example, yes, the people at the top have spent thousands of hours, which may make you think you can't catch up, but most of the top runners have taken extended breaks at some point, and there have been many new challengers approaching these top times. Remember that there are strats now that didn't exist in the first thousand hours Darbian or AndrewG may have put into the grind. You have the tools to improve at a quicker rate than those in the past.

Basically all I'm trying to say is learn the game, hope for WR someday, but don't expect it to be easy by any means.

On the actual question of whether or not SMW 11-Exit is dead, no, it isn't and it never will be unless someone ties whatever the "human-theory" best possible time is. Even then, there will probably be new strats discovered at some point and the best possible time will go down. No game is dead as long as there is a means to improve. We've seen time and time again people declaring their speed game is "dead" after getting a WR, only to have their records beaten eventually. Some records are harder to get than others, sure, but if someone got a certain time, then a slight improvement on that time doesn't seem unrealistic to me. People will still grind when SMB1 sees a 4:55 and people will still grind when we see a 9:44.

chunkySoup, Xander479, e xd_CAKE curtiu isso
United StatesPicante6 years ago

Sorry for not getting back to this sooner. The "Game Select screen exit" is when you exit the menu with options such as changing music etc, there is actually a second press you have to do after that fade out when the round 1 start option appears on the screen.

AutoRegen curtiram isso
United StatesPicante6 years ago

The NES leaderboards starts when you click Push Start on Round 1 and ends when it says Round Clear on the appropriate round.

We currently use the Game Select screen exit and the last block disappearing respectively. Do we see a benefit to syncing up these timing methods?

tópico: Speedrunning
United StatesPicante6 years ago

Is a post asking to create a separate ruleset for classic vs rct1 not tangentially related to separating the leaderboards?

tópico: Speedrunning
United StatesPicante6 years ago

I see a forum post he sent in which no moderators responded and the response he gets makes barely any sense in the context of the post and doesnt even attempt to resolve anything. Brickwalled might be slightly overkill, but assuming that isnt the only medium of communication it definitely doesnt seem like there is any useful discussion here. The supermoderator (not sure what this term exactly means but i assume it is the moderator of the series?) of the roller coaster tycoon series has never even submitted a run and to rct and hasnt submitted runs at all for a game in a year, or been online recently so i doubt they really can help in this situation.

While rct 1 and 2 might be similar, there are some nuances that can affect the ruleset so I definitely see a point in separating out the games. RCT classic especially has completely different mechanics that shape the speedrun differently, and categories such as all scenarios in that game wouldn’t work are different enough to definitely warrant a separate leaderboard.

It’s like saying that crash bandicoot n-sane trilogy should be under the crash bandicoot 1 leaderboard since they both include crash 1 any% and 100%. Remasters ln this site are consistently differentiated. Yes, you can speedrun rct 1 scenarios on rct classic, but there are also categories on rct classic that are impossible to do on rct 1.

If you really think it should be run on one leaderboards, there are definitely issues of anyone putting in effort to making it clear. You can’t find rct 2 or classic by searching the site, the series is mispelled (it shouldn’t have a space), no rulesets have been created for any of the categories (and for individual scenarios they only list the actual goal of the scenario, nothing related to timing the run), and a lot of levels themselves are missing from the leaderboards. I may be an outsider, but it’s obviously confusing and incomplete by taking a look at it.

United StatesPicante6 years ago

It has been added

Omar curtiram isso
tópico: The Site
United StatesPicante6 years ago

On and on the Mario discord, there is interest in adding All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros. to the Super Mario series ( as you can see here:

On discord, we've talked about how this can happen, but it doesn't seem like anyone knows the moderators for the series, and upon inspection with the API, it gives kinda weird results.

It has an empty moderator set and no creation date, as opposed to most results in the API which have those populated. My assumption is that due to the popularity and how prolific the series is, it was manually created very early on in the site's history by an admin and lacks certain properties most series have.

I guess what I'm asking is threefold: Is what I said above true? If so, can we have All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros added to the series? Also, can a moderator be added so this doesn't have to happen again.

NihilistComedyHour curtiram isso
tópico: The Site
United StatesPicante6 years ago

On and on the <ario discord, there is interest in adding All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros. to the Super Mario series ( as you can see here:

On discord, we've talked about how this can happen, but it doesn't seem like anyone knows the moderators for the series, and upon inspection with the API, it gives kinda weird results.

It has an empty moderator set and no creation date, as opposed to most results in the API which have those populated. My assumption is that due to the popularity and how prolific the series is, it was manually created very early on in the site's history by an admin and lacks certain properties most series have.

I guess what I'm asking is threefold: Is what I said above true? If so, can we have All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros added to the series? Also, can a moderator be added so this doesn't have to happen again.

I wasn't sure if I should have added this to the leaderboard moderation request thread. I didn't because it was a bit more nuanced than just accepting runs. Sorry if I was incorrect in that.

United StatesPicante7 years ago

Streaming can mean 50 bitrate with a webcam pointed at the TV. If your internet is good enough to post messages here, I feel like it should be possible to stream

KingOfJonnyBoy curtiram isso
United StatesPicante7 years ago

If being biased means giving more weight to people who have ran this game for years rather than months and to those who actually contribute to the community consistently, then yes, the people who run this leaderboard are biased.

Don't lash out at the mods and expect your opinion to hold more weight in the future.

WitheredRxse e AntBlueR curtiu isso
United StatesPicante7 years ago

New to this game, none of the categories mention rules. I assume they are relatively straightforward based on the category names, but I just wanted to make sure.

Also, any reason why All Levels is used instead of 100%?

tópico: On The Ball
United StatesPicante8 years ago

Whoops, all these images were broken haha.

Also, if you guys have any feedback or suggestions, let me know

United StatesPicante8 years ago


Is there anywhere to post runs of the golf minigame runs in SMB? That's about all I have to ask.

tópico: On The Ball
United StatesPicante8 years ago


I recently made minor changes to the styling (plan on doing a lot more) and I just wanted some feedback. This post will be edited when I do more with the site, but I would like feedback on the following changes: (I have included links to the image resources within this document as embedded BBCode)

Favicon - This should be simple enough, it is just a high quality image of our favorite ball. I think it accurately captures the spirit of the game.

Trophies (Bronze , Silver, Gold) - If you don't know what these are, I'll be a bit disappointed. Think of the Japanese cover. I'm very happy with these.

Site Logo - This one might be hard to picture, but I got access to the game's resources and found the font used throughout the game. I originally made the logo using all the colors available (click here) but I found it to be an eyesore, so I stuck with the black and white font to be most similar to the actual logo. I also experimented with a drop shadow and decided I didn't like it (click here). If you are interested in the other colors, I have an image of the in game font (click here). Here are some examples (Exhibit A, Exhibit B) of the font at work in the actual game.

That's it for now, all feedback is welcome!

Sobre Picante
8 years ago
1 year ago
Jogos jogados
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
Última corrida 4 years ago
Super Mario All-Stars
Super Mario All-Stars
Última corrida 3 years ago
Super Mario Bros. 3
Super Mario Bros. 3
Última corrida 3 years ago
Super Mario World
Super Mario World
Última corrida 3 years ago
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros.
Última corrida 4 years ago
Super Mario Bros. 2
Super Mario Bros. 2
Última corrida 3 years ago
On The Ball
On The Ball
Última corrida 8 years ago
Mario's Early Years! Preschool Fun
Mario's Early Years! Preschool Fun
Última corrida 4 years ago
Jogos seguidos
Tetris 2 (SNES)
Tetris 2 (SNES)
Última visita 2 years ago
Super Mario World
Super Mario World
Última visita 2 years ago
On The Ball
On The Ball
Última visita 2 years ago
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
Última visita 1 year ago
Última visita 4 years ago
Última visita 2 years ago
The Flintstones: The Movie
The Flintstones: The Movie
Última visita 3 years ago
Mario's Early Years! Preschool Fun
Mario's Early Years! Preschool Fun
Última visita 3 years ago
Jogos moderados
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
Última ação 2 years ago
The Lost Levels Category Extensions
The Lost Levels Category Extensions
Última ação 2 years ago
Tetris 2 (SNES)
Tetris 2 (SNES)
Última ação 2 years ago
On The Ball
On The Ball
Última ação 4 years ago
The Lawnmower Man
The Lawnmower Man
Última ação 3 years ago
Última ação 2 years ago
Mario's Early Years! Preschool Fun
Mario's Early Years! Preschool Fun
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Hover Racing
Hover Racing
Última ação 3 years ago