tópico: Borderlands 2
Octotroph5 years ago

Was streaming with my friend yesterday on the most recent version. I realized right before we went live that the Expertise-Drop Speed glitch that I saw on a GDQ stream was not actually patched out. So after "feeding Axton's love of buttery popcorn" I sped up to silly levels. After Lilith made Sanctuary disappear I decided to try to jump the gap in the bridge there. After a few tries this happened ( or BoldDifficultPepperPeteZaroll if the link disappears to the Twitch clip). There's no sound or anything there, there's a random fire floating by the entrance, and you can still interact with doors. I haven't done any more testing with it, like what happens if you use Pierce Station to travel out, if you use the bridge's "doorway" to travel out, if you talk to an NPC, etc. Not sure if this is already a known thing or if it can help you all save some frames, but there it is.

Sobre Octotroph
5 years ago
5 years ago