QuébecMytherium2 years ago
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QuébecMytherium2 years ago
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tópico: The Site
QuébecMytherium2 years ago

░░░░░░░░▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄███▄░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░▄▀▀░░░░░░░▐░▀██▌░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░▄▀░░░░▄▄███░▌▀▀░▀█░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░▄█░░▄▀▀▒▒▒▒▒▄▐░░░░█▌░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░▐█▀▄▀▄▄▄▄▀▀▀▀▌░░░░░▐█▄░░░░░░░░░░░ ░▌▄▄▀▀░░░░░░░░▌░░░░▄███████▄░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░▐░░░░▐███████████▄░░░ ░░░░░░oh fuk░░▐░░░░▐█████████████▄ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░▀▄░░░▐█████████████▄ ░░░░░░the feature░░▀▄▄███████████████ ░░░░░░░brokey░░░░░░░░░█▀██████░░

YUMmy_Bacon5, Habreno, e Merl_ curtiu isso
QuébecMytherium2 years ago
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QuébecMytherium2 years ago
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tópico: The Site
QuébecMytherium2 years ago

As pointed out in another thread from @YUMmy_Bacon5 here ( ; This run already has 2,000 spam comments and it makes me sick that Elo has no way of mass-moderating these :(

Gaming_64, Ivory e 5 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
QuébecMytherium2 years ago

Like I see the benefits of keeping people's interactions on so people don't have to exclusively interact through Discord and other places. That being said, I just think it's pretty naïve for Elo to not have any moderation tools in place for run-comments because y'know people are always wholesome on the internet and won't abuse the feature when left unchecked (as I'm sure @Meta and Elo are fully aware of from the forum messages and threads here ;) )

YUMmy_Bacon5, Pear, e Merl_ curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
QuébecMytherium2 years ago

Additionally, run-comments are NOT reflected on the audit log for the game. Only thread messages are displayed here despite the name "comments" lol

YUMmy_Bacon5, Pear e 6 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
QuébecMytherium2 years ago

It's quite disappointing to see that once again a change has been made to the site without thinking through the problem thoroughly and without consultation from the community at large :( Anyone from large and small communities here on could have seen this becoming a problem from miles away; users making run-comments generate NO notification on the recipient's side (the runner), nor on the moderator's side. As moderators, we're now left in damage-control mode with no way of knowing when or where a comment is made on any run, across hundreds or even thousands of run submissions. This reflects very poorly on the site as a whole when anyone stumbles upon spam/hateful/troll comments, making the community moderators look bad and potentially discouraging runners from ever submitting their runs to this site because of those unmanaged run-comments :(

PLEASE Elo, add run-comments as a notification option to the user notifications. Failing that, please add some way for moderators to disable run-comments as a whole on a single run submission or a game as a whole.

Kailaria, mt e 18 outros curtiu isso
notícias: Drakengard
QuébecMytherium2 years ago


Hellbufl, RodG, e CalistaRain curtiu isso
QuébecMytherium2 years ago
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tópico: The Site
QuébecMytherium3 years ago

Hi there, have there ever been any considerations for adding the Windows Store as a platform? Or is the platform list more reserved for hardware or OS's?

tópico: The Site
QuébecMytherium3 years ago

Shiinyu, Pear e 8 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
QuébecMytherium3 years ago

Not to mention the other games that @Amei actively moderates, they're now out of commission from him being banned. Additionally the user wasn't even notified that they were banned which is highly concerning, no notifications on the site or anything.

Shiinyu, Pear e 7 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
QuébecMytherium5 years ago

Thanks, it must be a Chrome issue, because when using Edge it works as normal.

tópico: The Site
QuébecMytherium5 years ago

Is anyone else getting HTTP ERROR 500 after a couple seconds after hitting Reject on a runner's submission?

Aaron, Jack_Hase e 2 outros curtiu isso
QuébecMytherium6 years ago

Hey there! So the other night I was able to record a run with my brother. I had picked up an AV to HDMI converter so that my Elgato can get the video feed. Problem is about 12 minutes in the colours go all weird (in addition to horrible brightness issues):

(at 12:10) and (at 15:00)

This persists for the rest of the run, coming and going at some points. Here is a layout for how my setup looks: Never had this happen on our CRT TV, unless my AV to HDMI connector is faulty, idk what's wrong.

Offtopic: There are also no options for multiple players when submitting a Co-op run

QuébecMytherium7 years ago

SeemsGood Since we're allowing the crazy stat increase, would the timer then have to start when hitting Start New Game from the main menu? Or should it remain the same?

QuébecMytherium7 years ago

Drop-in/drop-out functionality allows the following:

  1. Item duplication is possible through first saving, player 1 dropping any item on the ground for player 2, player 2 then removes player 1 from the game, then adds player 1 back to the game from the closest save. Both players now have duplicated whatever items that were dropped initially. This could be allowed? It's within the game's functionality, but what's there stopping someone from loading in a level 50 character to just steamroll everything with? It allows someone to have access to another pre-made character where that other character can have anything like god-rolled weapons with them. It takes time to pull off, but can easily be abused.

  2. Cloud Giant power leveling: from the link posted in my last comment: "Once you get to the Cloud Giant King in the Tower of Clouds attack him like you would any other time you have fought him, but stop just when he has a sliver of life left. Once you have his life down to whatever you consider almost dead, run back to the save point that you found just before you got to the Cloud Giant King. It is very important that you make sure he doesn't follow you back up the path because the game engine doesn't let you save if it thinks that you are still fighting anything and if that happens the cheat is impossible to complete. Once you get back to the save point use a gate scroll. Go to the shop keeper and buy about 20 or 30 exploding potions and gate scroll back. Once you are back drop the potions on the ground. After you have dropped all of your explosion potions save your game, but make sure you save it as a new file so that it doesn't affect your current characters save file and whatever you do, don't ever save over this file. Next, create the character you want to get to a higher level. It is very important that you start from the character creation screen and not to use a character you have already been playing with because it will ONLY work with a lvl 1 ( 0 exp gained) character. Once you have your new character made, as soon as you gain control of your avatar go directly to the save point and be sure not to kill any orcs. Save your new level 1 character over any save file except for the file that is your tower of clouds save. After you have successfully saved your new character re-load the 'Tower of Clouds' save file. Once back in that game load in your new level 1 character into the 'Tower of Clouds' save file, replacing your higher level character. With your level 1 character go around and pick up all (or as many as you can) of the explosion potions that you had previously dropped and run down towards the Cloud Giant King. Kill the Cloud Giant King with the potions and you will instantly become level 50 on Champion difficulty, 39 on Courageous, or 19 on Adventurous, with plenty of skill points to distribute"

There are also exploits you can use in the beginning of the game to get ridiculous starting stats: again, from the link posted in my last comment: "From the main menu, choose "Start New Game," "Normal Game," and "Two Players" (you must have two controllers plugged in for this option to be available). Once in the character creation interface, create Player 1's character as normal, then continue on to Player 2. Player 2 advances to the character attribute configuration screen, where they have 20 points to assign. Without assigning any of the points, have Player 2 press the Circle button until they are asked if they want to back up to Player 1's character creation screens (they will have had to press Circle three times from the attribute configuration screen to get to this prompt). Press X on Player 2's controller to confirm. You are returned to Player 1's name entry screen. Player 1 presses Circle once to back up to their attribute configuration screen, where they now have 20 more points to assign to their attributes, in addition to the 20 they gave themselves the first time through. You can repeat the process of going back and forth between Player 1 and Player 2's attribute configuration screens, gaining an additional 20 points for Player 1 each time. Each of the four attributes can go up to 100. However, you must be careful not to use the glitch so many times that you have over 400 points total, because you will not be able to assign the additional points and the game will not let you continue, saying that you have to assign all of your points"

AndreaRovenski curtiram isso
Sobre Mytherium
7 years ago
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