Hesse, GermanyMilkToast1 year ago

Hi all,

I completed a 1 loop run on the C64. I did die once on Blues and managed to get a 3m 13s time. I captured the frame rate and the buttons pressed, however I didnt start from fresh I was just playing loop after loop until got some decent attempt. So would this be a problem to get accepted on the LB, because no gamereset is present in the video?

I am not playing an orginal version using VICE (C64 Emulator)


Hesse, GermanyMilkToast3 years ago


if you did a run of an scenario, just request it here and I will add it to the Leaderboard:

Valid Scenarios are: Sudden Strike Original Sudden Strike Forever Total War Map Pack

Hesse, GermanyMilkToast3 years ago

Hi fellow spice harvesters,

I started to run some missions on the Amiga and I am planning to do more in the future. I just wanted to ask where I should submit my runs, because the Leaderboard for IL- runs is lacking the option for the Amiga. Not sure if the game is the same as on DOS andit does not make any difference which version you play. I checked some DOS runs and the game looks slightly different. I am playing version 1.1_1548 (WHDLoad).

So can we add an Amiga LB or is there any reason this would not be neccessary?

Cheers MilkToast

Hesse, GermanyMilkToast4 years ago

Hi fellow Warlords,

in this thread you can request a new scenario you have a run to submit for. Just write which scenario you want to have added and I will adjust the LB.

Hesse, GermanyMilkToast4 years ago

Hi ho fellow trampers,

I just like to know how exactly you prove that you have 1 Mio $. The game itself does not have any congratulations msg or anything else, it just continues even if you have reached the 1 Mio goal. If you have more then 999.999$ in your account it just flips back to xxx.xxx$.

Cheers MilkToast

Hesse, GermanyMilkToast4 years ago


I just wanted to know what happens to a run if it uses some bugs in the game to lower the current time by a couple of minutes. Would it be on the same Leaderboard or will the Leaderboard divided? Asking for a friend ;)

Cheers MilkToast

Hesse, GermanyMilkToast4 years ago

Hi all,

first thanks for all the great guides and tipps for running this game. Thumbs Up.

I am running Dune on the Amiga and I was trying to get the green strategy to work. I assume I did everything do achieve this but it does not work for me.

  • I capture the Fortress near the Harkonnen Palace
  • I build Windtraps
  • Wait for 40 Units of Water and the start planting the trees
  • Then I wait untilö the water tanks are empty and the plants grow to the palace If I then go to the Harkonnen Palace I always die.

So I wonder if this strategy is intended to work or is it just more like using a bug / glitch? So what am I missing here?

Btw I also cant get the Infinite Spice Bug to work on the Amiga, so I always have to keep an eye on my spiece productiopn for the greedy Emperor.

Cheers MilkToast

Hesse, GermanyMilkToast4 years ago

Hi ho all

So just for fun I was trying to run the Amiga Version and noticed some major differences to the other runs so here are my findings:

I am playing the WHDLoad Version of Maniac Mansion 1.6_1571. This is nothing special about this just to mention it.

I wanted to do a run with all the skips possible and all of them are working very well (thaks for the findings especially purple skip is great). The problem is the inner door lab is locked and I need the code from the Arcademachine to open it. The other door is also closed but the copy protection was removed. I am not aware of any default code to open the inner door like in the NES version (does anybody know something?). So in order to open the door I have to check the highscore in the machine using the quarter from the safe. It is not enough to just have the cutscene play and try out the different codes, according to my research it does only work after you chekced the highscore yourself (again I can be wrong). After repairing the wires it takes round about 4m until the cutscene plays (I checked the Deluxe Version it seems like there is not cutscene and you can go for the highscore immediatly?) So in this 4 minutes there is plenty of time to perform a lot of actions without losing any time. To not just stand there and wait for the cutscene I feed green tentacle to kill some time.

If you perform the green tentacle skip and get caught no other char can get to the top floors because the game still thinks there is somebody else up there and the other chars refuse to go up there. If I go back with the char who did perform the skip everything went to normal again. So I need to go at least two times on the upper floors and this only works if I dont get caught and take the longer route to go back down again. Does the game behave the same on DOS? Just get one char to the green tentacle and try to get another one up there, it should not work imho.

These are my main findings, I also did find some super small time saves, but they dont matter for the Runs submitted to this Leaderboard. I share them anyway because I also did not notice them in the Deluxe runs.

  • Open Radio you receive the batteries immediatly and dont have to pick up the radio and then open it
  • Use Batteries with Flashlight when it is still in the kitchen. Your char will put the batteries in and also picks up the flashlight in one move.

Okay that all I can think of right now.

I also decided to make the most useless char Jeff to my main hero,and perform most actions with him. Not sure if this is the best choice, but I liked it.

Of course I wanted to submit my run to the Leaderboard, what category would this run be? What should I select?

I am also working on the Meteor Police ending without any skips, but I guess this wont be faster then my current route. Lets see

You can check out my run here:

Thanks and Cheers MilkToast

Hesse, GermanyMilkToast4 years ago

Hi all,

I noticed that the loading times between the levels are different. In Arans runs they are round about 3-4 sec in Reboots run the loading times are taking about 10s which is quite are difference on the long run.

I also did some runs and was using my standard setup for runs which is basically a A1200 (68020 AGA Cycle Exact with 2MB RAM + 2MB Z2Fast RAM) WHDLoad version. Well of course I use this to reduce loading times which are the same as Arrans loading times. I did a messy run with many crashes and its sub 17m (but 7/7 wins) but of course beating Reboot was no match with his extended Loading times.

So should we agree on some basic setup for running this game or is it a free for all?

Cheers MilkToast

Hesse, GermanyMilkToast4 years ago


I was also doing some runs of this game last year and I discovered that you can beat it without playing any minigames. But in my opinion this results in a very boring run so not sure if this strat should be an option. Basically you just dive for a coin and after that you keep Flintheard busyso he cant get any gold. It took me 5m 21s but I am sure you can easily lower it also I was playing the slower Amiga version. You can check out my run here:

btw: Can aou please add Amiga as platform to the game, just in case. Would be awesome.

Cheers MilkToast

Hesse, GermanyMilkToast4 years ago


I completed a run for this game on the Amiga. So it seems that this version is rather different to the others (and way easier to complete). Is it possible to add the Amiga Version to the Leaderboard?. You cancheck out my run here and make up your mind about it.

Thanks and Cheers MilkToast

Hesse, GermanyMilkToast4 years ago

Hi Guys/Girls,

like most of the time I did a run for fun on the Amiga for this game. So I just wanted to ask if it is possible to add Amiga as a platform so I can submit my run here. Would be really great. (I am using WinUAE for emulation).

The Amiga version got some serious slow down issues (same for KQ 1 and most other Sierra games I did run), so even on max speed as soon as there is much animation stuff going on on the screen the game got really slow (Acidrain or in the Spacecantina i.e.). I am still fine to share the same leaderboard wiht you of course. So I did beat it in 31m 52s you can check out my run here.

Btw if some of you is active in the speedy adventure discord you can catch up with me there most of the time.

Thanks and Cheers

swimfan curtiram isso
Hesse, GermanyMilkToast4 years ago


I just wanted to let you know that I have created a discord in which we can discuss this game furthermore.

Hesse, GermanyMilkToast4 years ago

Hi all,

I did finish a run on the Amiga for Book One. Due to that is the floppy version of the game, it is different to the CD-ROM version.

  • Most annoying is that you cant (or I dont know how) skip the text in the cutscenes, this adds a lot of minutes to the run.
  • The walking speed seems to be much faster
  • There are loading times between the screen transitions
  • The Cave Section is different, iirc there is a fireberry bush missing so you can only reach the river of lava as a wisp You can check out the map here: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/562667-the-legend-of-kyrandia-book-one/faqs/55827

So I just wanted to ask how we go on with the floppy version?

  • Same Leaderboard ?
  • New Category on the Leaderboard ?
  • New Game added to the Kyrandia-Series ?

You can check out my run here:

So what do you think?

Cheers and Thanks MilkToast

Hesse, GermanyMilkToast4 years ago


I did for fun a run of the first level on the C64 (which is way shorter then on the Amiga) and I dont want to grind the whole game (I hate the egypt level) at the moment, so I just wanna to know if you can please add IL runs as well and maybe seperate them by Systems. Would be great if that is possible. You can check out my run here:

Thanks and great run on the Amiga, I was never able to beat this without a trainer back then.

Hesse, GermanyMilkToast4 years ago

Hi all,

I completed a run for Golden Axe on the Amiga. So after Sega CD got added to the Leaderboard I was wondering if this is also possible for the Amiga verison as well? In general if the version differs to much I had to request the game again at src, not sure if this is also the case here. You can check out my run here:

If this is for some reason no option, I am fine with that of course. Cheers and Thanks

Hesse, GermanyMilkToast5 years ago

Speedrunning Adventure games is great fun, but it can be tough to get into it. It requires a lot of practice and time to set up a decent time, 'cause one major mistake like missing an item or having bad rng can mess up the whole run, which can be frustrating.

So how do you get started? Of course you can go the hard way and start right away with the full game, but as mentioned before you have to put time and effort into learning all the mechanics, tricks, routes and skips. We have already provided you very detailed guides you can go through, but especially for starters this can be very overwhelming. In my own experience after, getting my first run verified I really got hooked to speedrunning, 'cause I accomplished something I always thought would be impossible, and now it's one of my favourite hobbies.

So if you are interested in starting speedrunning we recommend beginning with the offical Monkey Island Demo which has its own Leaderboard. In general your run will only take less then 5 minutes so it's perfect to get a feeling for this type of videogame. You learn all the basics of the SCUMM System, and after finishing it you feel way more prepared to run the full game.

To get the Demo to run you need the following Software:

  • DosBox (it's free to download you can find it here: (https://www.dosbox.com/)
  • The offical Monkey Island Demo (you can download it from the Resources-Section)

I provided a Guide in the Guide-Section on how to setup DosBox and getting the Demo to run and, of course, how to run the Demo itself.

We hope this will start your interest to join the always-fun world of Speedrunning and see you on the Leaderboard.

Hesse, GermanyMilkToast5 years ago

There are 3 different versions of the game I am aware of (at least for the Amiga)

  • v 1.04
  • v 2.00
  • v 2.03

So what are the differences between those?

Hesse, GermanyMilkToast5 years ago

Hi all,

just for your information, this game was added to the Adventure Speedrun Community on Discord. So feel free to join the conversation there.

Non-Slim_Jim e firefyte curtiu isso
Hesse, GermanyMilkToast5 years ago

Added this game to a discord channel, feel free to join :) https://discord.gg/9VHxyUy

Sobre MilkToast
6 years ago
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