United StatesMegaBetaman7 years ago

Thanks for the help!

We've backed out of the forest temple and are following an old 2015 AGDQ video to try and see how they get to lakebed early, because we agree the clawshot will make a load of difference. I don't know if the strats we are seeing are outdated or not, my friend and I have never done a speed run like this before (it took us hours until we could get the sword and shield skip to work). That being said, I really appreciate the alternate route in case things go south. Out of curiosity though, would we still be able to start on Ordon day 2 if we use the BiT glitch to get the iron boots early? Or does this route provide a way to trigger sumo with the mayor before the forest temple?

United StatesMegaBetaman7 years ago

My friend and I have been using speed run tricks in an attempt to run all dungeons without un-equipping the iron boots. So far we've made it to the forest temple and got the gale boomerang using the same tricks as any%, but we're stuck on some platforming that would be helped by the long jump attack glitch. Issue is, we aren't sure how wearing the iron boots effects the glitch, or what areas it can work in. We're right now stuck in the forest temple room where you get the boss key, and cant jump to the door on the far side as both ways to get to it a just slightly too long of jumps. I know this sort of question isnt what you guys are used to here, but we'd appreciate any help!

Sobre MegaBetaman
7 years ago
7 years ago