AustriaLeka4 years ago

Cool idea I tested it a few times, but I didn't get it to work. It would probably save about a second, since you wouldn't need to turn around and wait for the icicles to drop down, but it seems rather inconsisten. If you miss it you would loose more time than you gain, an in the worst case even die... The same trick works in Ice level 6, were you also can grab the key from below without landing on the platform, plus you are still save if you miss it (but it's also not as big of a time save if you get it...) In conclusion: if you're consistantly able to get it, it's a good time save, but I gess it will rather be a cool single Level WR

AustriaLeka6 years ago

Well I just rewatched some of the full game trial videos an noticed there's a faster way to do the secret fire level (starting at 1:51): (just realized the video is alrady a year old O.o)

Gyrule_ e LeRemiii curtiu isso
AustriaLeka6 years ago

The secret levels can be played with a timer while using full game time trial mode. At the end, all four secret levels will show up right befor the last boss. And that's also how you'll see the currently best ways to do those levels, just watch the full game trial leaderbord ; )

AustriaLeka6 years ago

If anyone wants do beat the current water dungen record, there you go: It's not pefectly executed, and maybe there is a better or saver way to do the circle skip, but I just wanted to get the idea out there^^

AustriaLeka6 years ago

New bug in lv 2-18. As always with these bugs: Verry useless and verry funny, but this time, easy to do yourself. Have fun :)

The_AppleMan e LeRemiii curtiu isso
AustriaLeka6 years ago

First of congrats to your full game trial 2nd place! Would have loved to see that run, about that I use the "DU recorer" app to record my runs. I'm not sure if it's available for IOS, but if you search for "screen recorder" or someting alike you'll definitely find a handy alternative ^^

AustriaLeka6 years ago

I was just now looking for levels where you could use the new invicibility-start glitch and ended up finding this:

It is verry inconsistent, but it would be amazing if someone used it in an actual run!

greyli e LeRemiii curtiu isso
AustriaLeka6 years ago

It would be amazing if this glitch would work with lv 23 by falling through the left firecolumn at the start or with lv 29 by passing through the firepillar to the right which would skip like three quarters of the level, just to give some ideas. Didn't try those properly (yet).

AustriaLeka6 years ago

I tried to reproduce this glitch and it actually is rather consistent (3 of 8 attempts worked), but:

  1. It only worked by comming from the water dungeon boss, which makes it useless for a fire dungeon run
  2. It is preety precise since you need to start moving befor the level appears
  3. After going through the first firepillar you need to wait for the secound one anyway, which makes the whole skip useless for a speedrun...

But maybe it can be used for some other level since it seems like you have around half a secound invincibility by the start of every level (e.g. lv 39)

AustriaLeka6 years ago

It will only last till a new skip is disovered xD btw I noticed that every flame animation happens exactly 6 times. With that knowladge you can count it and don't need to guess when it will disappear. This is true for the whole fire dungeon and you also can see it in my run ^^

AustriaLeka6 years ago

Well... After the post just now I actually tried the fire dungeon again and after 3 runs I just got a 3:24.26 xD I'll submit it later today

AustriaLeka6 years ago

Just keep practicing ^^ The Lv 30 strats is not as hard as it seems, you just need to get as close to the fire above you as possible at the 3rd jump, other than that it is verry consistent. .5 ahead!? I better pick up the fire dungeon again :P Anyway I'm exited to see your runs. Good luck with lv 30!

LeRemiii e Goudurix curtiu isso
AustriaLeka6 years ago

Well, first of I think fire and electro dungeon are the two most fun dungeons to run. The water dungeon is a bit boring with a lot of levels where you just have to wait (e.g. lv 14), and the grass dungeon has all those crazy skips you have to do for a very good time (lv 3, lv 6, lv 10). That being said my big goal is to take back the full game trial record (which i had for like 2 days lol), so I most likely will run grass and water dungeon eventually anyway. (give me a few months to pull that of ^^)

LeRemiii e Gyrule_ curtiu isso
AustriaLeka6 years ago

I found a few other bugs a while ago while speedrunning. The clips in this video are about half a year old, so I don't know if they are still doable or already discovered, but anyway I don't think any of these are useful, but I hope you have a laugh or two ^^

LeRemiii, PigMaster e 2 outros curtiu isso
AustriaLeka7 years ago

Thanks for the encouraging words, but I simply don't have the time to do any better. Anyway here are your sub 17 min skips ^^ I didn't put every thing there could be done better in this video, just the ones you probably didn't know.

AustriaLeka7 years ago

Congratulations my friend. I would not be able to pull of a run like this in a century (with 0 deaths holy moly!). Since i saw the full video I think there is a sub 17 min possible (didn't count the seconds lol). I'm planing to do a video to show, where you could still save time, but it'll probably take me a few days. I just hope you keep up the speedruning ^^

AustriaLeka7 years ago

Hehe I was wondering why you didn't us them on your new run. Concrats by the way! I even found some more places to save time like the 2nd and 3rd boss lvl or the bonus lava level, but they are all super hard to pull of and I probably would not be able to do it while doing a full run.

AustriaLeka7 years ago

Since I just found out, there seems to be no Mods at this webside, im going to post my full time trial run here. I realy messed up level 4-1 so it is for sure possible to do it under 18min ^^

Karateboy02 curtiram isso
AustriaLeka7 years ago

Nice job dude ^^ Now do the same with the whole game (kappa)

Sobre Leka
7 years ago
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Super Dangerous Dungeons
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