United StatesKitkatbars1 year ago

The community is so toxic that a runner streamed for 6 hours with a !toxic command preaching to be against bullying and being consumed by toxicity only to be....bullying and toxic for 6 hours straight. While making Kuma a victim of bullying, they bullied someone else. Hypocrites. And people like MC, DylWingo, CWiL, Chef and others were all in on it. Yes I did just do a name drop. And they want to say they are against harassment and bullying? Don't pretend to be innocent and virtue signal. Some were even advocating threats of violence and physical harm including Colin himself. Which is against Twich ToS, as well as SRC rules. Fair warning. But I doubt the mods and leadership will ban, kick and remove those people because impartiality doesn't exist. If you're going to have rules, then enforce them equally on all, including everyone I named. No double standard.

United StatesKitkatbars1 year ago

We tried as much as we can to avoid moderating people

Damage control, not the facts. Again you prove my point. The facts are you claim to be against toxicity but allowed HG's toxicity to run rampant. But if Kitkat calls you out, suddenly you take moderation very seriously and label me as a troll. You delete my posts and screenshot them, but not HG's. Again, you relished the drama.

Just because a majority of people didn't agree with you doesn't mean you're a victim so stop trying to victimize yourself.

When you have perfectly valid points and the community attacks you, that is toxicity. But the truth is a hard pill to swallow sometimes.

We have never made any large decisions without trying to hear from other people, stop trying to spin the narrative.

By other people, you mean your circle of friends. Certainly not Ptown or anyone else. You hear from people but you don't listen. Your mind is already made up but then you have a "discussion". And when Zheal wants to chime in, the vote suddenly goes his/your way and favor. Funny that.

Yeah, just be totally dismissive of my points and those people. That reflects really good on you, Kuma.

United StatesKitkatbars1 year ago

Kuma, no one was ever going to ban HypeGhost until I said something. You and all the mods were completely content and satisfied with (dare I say, milking and enjoying) the toxicity within the community. You claim to be against unconstructive and harassment, yet you allowed HypeGhost to remain in the discord despite being a repeat offender insulting runners. Even after you became a mod you allowed it, so don't try to act innocent here. And then you virtue signal by acting like you're against harassment when clearly you're not.

And when I tried to have a constructive discussion and honest conversation about the leaderboards, the community attacked me rather than my arguments. They cherrypicked the parts they didn't like because they knew they couldn't argue against the parts I was right about. You say we're the "usual troublemakers", but your definition of troublemakers is anyone who is against popular opinion, or should I say, anyone that goes against Zheal or Kuma. And apparently a clown emoji is so triggering when we should feel free to express. The problem is we're not free to speak our minds, because no one takes what anyone (other than you and Zheal and a circle of friends) seriously. Not Carnage, not Zergu, not Ptown. Not Mees, not Deano. When leadership doesn't respect or value respectable reasonable objections, that's when people start to get mad at them. You don't value each member of the community hence it is an unwelcoming, abusive, toxic community.

If you want to have open discussions, you're going to have differing opinions, viewpoints and perspectives. But you act like that's a bad thing and label us troublemakers becuase you don't like what we say and just want everything done YOUR way.

You claim that it's all about the competition but in reality you devalue competition.

Create a new leaderboard against the actual runners' opinion (taking the opinion of only non-runners aka group of friends), running the new category, getting first WR, verifying yourself, and claiming it's in the spirit of competition and for the community is the most backwards authority to competition I've ever heard. Zheal and Kuma's final say should not trump Reason or Logic but I guess this will just be deleted as harrassment and unconstructive because... it is detrimental to your case.

United StatesKitkatbars1 year ago

Yeah I'd delete anything that points out my own corruption as a leader too. Thats why every speedrunner finds this community a joke and the only opinions you accept are people that don't run... like Dave... who prove my point that adding random nonsense segments is not going to attract more viewship, but then ignore runners like me, Deano, Ptown, Carnage, Luzbel, hypeghost and more. I will be reporting your abuse as a mod to the SRC. Good luck.

United StatesKitkatbars1 year ago

Mario and Zelda have segments for sure... not "half way through world 7" segments because people who play Donkey Kong on arcade think "Sure ok!" The community is already thin as it comes, and what you are doing are adding more segments, not to bring in more viewers or players but as you clearly think is the case, a circle of jerks trying to make eachother look more significant. We are losing more and more players than we are gaining because you'd rather increase the amount of ways people could play the game rather than focus on the actual competition. In the Olympics we have ice skating, snowboarding, etc. Not "halfway snowboarding" trophy or "she did a jump on the ice" trophy. Speedrunning is done for competition and the trophy. That's all there is too it. Even Mario 64 has 0 star, 1 star, 8 star, 16 star, 70 star, and 120 star... not "beat bomb-omb king" category. Your attempt to conflate segments with random decisions to add categories is atrocious, almost akin to what you think my list is. And known troublemakers? You are losing the SRC community because these "known troublemakers" ask for a say in the community, some type of leadership and cohesion, and the basic respect as a speed runner. When you choose to take the sides of non speedrunning moderators that are quite literally a circle of friends, ignore the actual speed runners (or troublemakers as you call them), and add more categories so more names of random players (well not random since its just a small group thanks to your leadership or lack thereof) on the SRC, of course there will be unhappy people. You cannot make them all happy, but I have evidence as well of your inaction toward people who simply want to be heard (deano anyone?). Troublemakers indeed. Steal credit, ignore the actual runners, make the game less competitive, create random segments based on friends' votes, delete posts you deem unconstructive, and have the audacity to say "damn that troublemaker is making me think again."

United StatesKitkatbars1 year ago

I love final fantasy and the game as a whole. I love speedrunning and appreciate people who put in a lot of work and dedication into their craft. I do not like a community that makes a mockery of that. You claim I'm mocking the community, but you mock speedrunners. You create speedrunning opportunities throughout the game without a single thought about the inherent competitive nature of speedrunning. You know why mario and Zelda are such well known and successful speedruns? It is because there is something to gain from getting a world record. In the community you sponsor you want a src where anytime someone completes a run they can submit it under anything they want and call it a world record or world first. That is why we are a joke as speedrunners. Speedrunning does not have to be a career, but do not accuse me of mockery when you as leaders mock the foundation of speedrunning.

The "mockery" list I provided are all real categories that could potentially be asked for. You call it fake but I also thought there was no way we'd set world records for a 15 second segment and dictate that as a real world record. And the biggest travesty is that you believe it is acceptable because people that haven't touched the game in years said it should be. I can easily flood this community with friends, and have them vote on my list of categories if that is all you need to be sure I'm serious about the categories. I'd make a lot of world records and world firsts there. If you decline, it's just further proof this community is not about final fantasy or speedrunning and instead a social gathering of your own friends so you can show off skill in whatever tyrannically dictated category you can think of next.

United StatesKitkatbars1 year ago

Mods are deleting posts despite following ToS. This is censorship and abuse of power.

Deleting posts you don't like, or deleting posts because you don't like the person, is abuse of power, period.

United StatesKitkatbars1 year ago
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United StatesKitkatbars1 year ago
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United StatesKitkatbars1 year ago
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2 years ago
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Final Fantasy X
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