tópico: Speedrunning
Florida, USAKingdomofNerdum6 years ago

Thanks for all these great replies! I completely forgot about uncharted. You would think after playing them so many times i would remember they have actual speed run modes. I've never done any speedrunning but year after year i watch the GDQ marathons and get more and more interested in getting into running and figured if i could find a game with a good ingame timer that would make it easier to start.

tópico: Speedrunning
Florida, USAKingdomofNerdum6 years ago

So I have been watching AGDQ2018 and during the horror block Silent Hill was highly praised for its great in game timer. So i was wondering if there are any other games out there with such great timers or even just comparable?

Sobre KingdomofNerdum
6 years ago
5 years ago