Ontario, CanadaJeffreyVII2 years ago

It is quite the precise step route for speed square - I watched the run and even though I didn’t see a hard reset beforehand; it looks like upon getting to Gold Saucer, you run directly to the Battle Square tube, then from there Speed Square, then enter where the coaster is, immediately exit and then go back in and play right away. I’ve also taken note of his scores so hopefully I can recreate it and confirm it’s 100% reproducible :)

ptownrock curtiram isso
Ontario, CanadaJeffreyVII2 years ago

Thank you for the response; it’s probably the last bit of randomization I’m trying to take control of before my own attempt. I’ve reached out 👍

ptownrock curtiram isso
Ontario, CanadaJeffreyVII2 years ago

Hey everybody! Love this website and am an avid speedrunner when it comes to 100% runs and was just curious if anyone has any info on manipulating RNG for the following?:

Speed Square - Super Sweeper & Murasame Blade. All I know is that one is 50% drop rate over 3000 points and the other including 1/35 soldier is 25% drop rates. Does anyone have any more specifics on hard resets and/or point values making one drop more than the other? It seems to me like way higher points, well over 3000 drop the SS and MB whereas just getting over 3000 seems to give the 1/35 more often? I also know you can get the MB during the Battle Square Special battle but that doesn’t seem as efficient.

Earth Mallet & Kiss of Death: both these drops can be brutal trying to get and again was wondering if anyone knows of how to manipulate drop RNG to yield these items quicker?! Sick of fighting Gigas’ and Death Dealers so many times for slim chances. Thanks!

Sobre JeffreyVII
2 years ago
2 years ago