Tokyo, JapanHitshee_Spingear3 years ago

 turbo★★★ ➡︎normal  option

You can play as CE if you start the turbo software and select normal from the menu.

Tokyo, JapanHitshee_Spingear3 years ago

 turbo★★★ ➡︎normal  option

You can play as CE if you start the turbo software and select normal from the menu.

Tokyo, JapanHitshee_Spingear3 years ago

SNES turbo normal mode = CE

The-Wavy-Commander curtiram isso
Tokyo, JapanHitshee_Spingear4 years ago

It seems that arcade 1UP can't display Dip unless an additional USB port is implemented on the PCB part and the keyboard is recognized.

Tokyo, JapanHitshee_Spingear4 years ago

I don't own the Arcade1up cabinet, so I don't know exactly what it is.

In order to do a speed run, the difficulty setting must be displayed before you start playing.

If you can't display the difficulty setting, then you will not be able to participate in Arcade1up cabinet.

If you can display the difficulty level, then Arcade1up cabinet is an emulator program, so there should be no problem.

Although it is my personal opinion, since I think that photography of a screen, etc. is difficult, I recommend the 30th collection of a steam version.

Tokyo, JapanHitshee_Spingear4 years ago

I think it's a very unique idea. However.

My concern is that HF loses a lot of meaning, but I think one of the things that makes HF so appealing is the variable TurboSpeed.

If you're just comparing in-game counts to in-game counts, then turning up TurboSpeed will only make it harder and less meaningful.

As you may have noticed, the slower the speed, the easier it is to play. For example, you'll make fewer input mistakes and it will be easier to check your jumps and hits.

By increasing your speed, you can increase your execution speed, even though the risk of mistakes increases.

For example, if you use the DOWN R UP L Y B X A command input with the 2P controller, TurboSpeed can be unlocked up to 10 Stars and raised to 6 Stars, there is a possibility that you can get the same execution speed as NTSC even in PAL environment. (USAVersion Down R Up L Y B )

I believe Speed Select is currently up to the player, but what do you think?

If it's not allowed. Given the nature of speed running and competition, I think it's reasonable to treat the two as separate.

Habble e Doc curtiu isso
Tokyo, JapanHitshee_Spingear4 years ago


It's not because of emulation. I think it's the difference between NTSC 60Mhz and PAL 50Mhz.

The NTSC version runs about 1.2 times faster than the PAL version.

I think there needs to be some detailed categorization when it comes to games with a lot of players, but I think it's a very sensitive issue to determine how strictly to aggregate. I guess we'll just have to leave it up to the moderators to decide for now.

Sorry for the comments that don't lead to a solution.

Doc e The-Wavy-Commander curtiu isso
Tokyo, JapanHitshee_Spingear4 years ago

In my opinion.

Capcom Generations 5 is not an emulation of the PCB. It is a port that is optimized for the Saturn and PS.

Even with the QUICK selection feature, it is not as fast as the PCB version.

Strictly speaking, it works differently and should be in a different category.

Tokyo, JapanHitshee_Spingear4 years ago

As for the 30th anniversary collection, I think it's great because it covers quite a bit of the AC version.

I always try to make it work with real hard. There is intense bashing in Japan for using an emulator.

Not all players have real hardware, so I think an emulator is fine if it's something you can legally use.

But I think it's better to use an emulator that runs as fast as the real thing.

We are looking forward to your challenge.

Tokyo, JapanHitshee_Spingear4 years ago

In My Opinion It would be nice to allow the standard level 3 or the current rule 4 at the same time

I think there was a lack of confirmation, but it is lonely to lose a great record.

Sobre Hitshee_Spingear
7 years ago
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