Hello everyone, For those wondering what this is here's an explanation: For a while now my friends SicksonFSJoe, XeroOl and I have been gathering thousands of 1.8 seeds that have 11 eye portal frames in their strongholds. These have been collected in an attempt to find the optimal Any% Set Seed Glitchless seed. Unfortunately, many of the seeds we currently have are not world record-viable due to several small imperfections. However, some of the seeds we have are still quite nice to run. So, as to not let such good seeds go to waste, we have organized a Blind Set Seed Glitchless race that will utilize said seeds.
RACE INFO: -The race will begin at 6pm EST on Saturday 13/1/18 -All participants must play in an un-modded 1.8.X version -Before the race a Seed AND the Coordinates for the stronghold will be released on the Minecraft Speedrunning Discord server -It is preferable that you are in voice chat while competing in the run -It is also mandated that you must stream or record your run if you want a recognized time (not streaming and playing for fun/casually is totally accepted too) -There will probably be two or more races done, so if you would like to stick around please do so -These runs tend to be an hour long at maximum but if a majority of players want to move on to a new seed after a while we will do so
Side note: This race is considered blind because no one running the seed that will be given has ever seen the world before. Runners will know some information like the stronghold location and the eye count but will be otherwise oblivious to the nuance and terrain of the seed. The inclusion of the information about the world makes this category distinct from RSG.
If you have any questions concerning the race please leave a comment or direct message me on discord. Hope to see you on Saturday :)