United StatesFitterSpace3 years ago

I've made two google sheets that can serve as a rankings page for this game. One is for controller runs and the other is for Mouse & Keyboard runs. These sheets give us a points system similar to the one on the-elite.net, which encourages people to play more of the game to get a higher score.

Controller: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15qEbEfTnl-TrKph6zDRbicTY5lDt-aWyMmxrPmX7ZAQ/edit?usp=sharing Mouse & Keyboard: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DlVILX3dpjVDKb98Ydinj1Qnnh-_6vzASAeXOBdkJs0/edit?usp=sharing

Google sheets is not an ideal place to have a ranking system, but it's the best we have for now. There is an effort to get a real website up and running but that's going to take some time. In the meantime, this google sheet will be good enough. The main reason this exists is because speedrun.com's individual level leaderboard has a really lackluster user interface that makes it impossible to see all the mouse & keyboard times on a single page. The only way to see them on speedrun.com is to click each level/difficulty combination individually and look at the times from there. The spreadsheets also have some other nice features, like a point ranking system and an "overall combined time" section that encourages people to lower their times even if they already have a world record. I've also linked the controller spreadsheet on the sidebar, for easier access. If a real website is made for XBLA rankings, that will go there instead.

RaskeShades, PhiAce e 3 outros curtiu isso
United StatesFitterSpace4 years ago

This is the discord server for 007 speedruns, and we have a channel for Blood Stone. https://discord.gg/yYh5rPd

MrChippies curtiram isso
United StatesFitterSpace6 years ago

Hello, my name is FitterSpace and I started routing this game a while back. I was considering doing a TAS for this game but I lost interest in it over time. But I'm happy to post my route notes and some glitches I've found in a google doc for anybody who is interested. I was originally routing for 100% completion since that would be more entertaining for a viewer.


SlappySmith e FuzzBug curtiu isso
United StatesFitterSpace6 years ago

How did they get those borders between the times in the starcraft IL board?


I've looked through the settings for a game I moderate but I don't see anything like that.

Mitsunee curtiram isso
United StatesFitterSpace7 years ago

Some changes have been made to the leaderboard today and I just wanted to post about those.

First, the timing method has been changed to real time (the leaderboard was sorted by in-game time before). The reason for this is because there are ways to save real time that don't save in-game time. Another problem with in-game time is that a slower run with no deaths would have a higher leaderboard placement than a faster run with deaths. This has happened twice that I know of, but it shouldn't be an issue any more.

Next, the "Operative Difficulty" category has been replaced with "Any%", since there are some time saves that involve switching difficulties during the run. Some levels are faster on Agent difficulty because some cutscenes don't play. Switching difficulties is completely seamless on the GameCube and Xbox versions of the game. For PS2 runs, it is faster to play the whole game on Operative difficulty.

The "Agent Difficulty" category has been removed because nobody ever did runs on that difficulty. It's almost exactly the same as Operative difficulty minus a few cutscenes, so it's not necessary to have on the leaderboard. As of writing this, Any% and 00 Agent are the only two categories (since 00 Agent is actually different in some ways).

Also, there's a cool new background now. I think it looks much better than the default speedrun.com background.

If you have any questions about leaderboard changes, post them here and someone will answer.

United StatesFitterSpace7 years ago

As of July 5, 2017, all full-game speedruns will start when you select the difficulty after choosing "Dam" under level select. This skips the unnecessary tutorial mission when starting with a new game, much like 007: Nightfire any%.

The timing on already existing runs has been adjusted to remove the training mission. This make it more fair for people who ran the game before this rule change.

If you have any questions, feel free to post here and I'll be happy to answer them.

United StatesFitterSpace7 years ago

As you can see, 007: Nightfire on PC has its own leaderboard now. It used to be a miscellaneous category on the console leaderboard, but we agreed that it was worth being a separate game on speedrun.com. Hopefully this change will help grow the PC Nightfire community.

At the moment, I am the only moderator. But If this game gets a community of multiple runners, I can add more moderators as needed. The same is true for additional categories, if they're worth having.

rejd e losi curtiu isso
United StatesFitterSpace7 years ago


Up until now, PC Any% has been a miscellaneous category on the console Nightfire leaderboard. Most of the runners didn't really care about it, so it was just put to the side for a really long time. Nightfire is a completely different game on PC and really stuck out like a sore thumb on a leaderboard so focused on the console version. We (the moderators) agreed that it should have its own leaderboard because it's a totally different game. Hopefully this will help grow the PC Nightfire community.

In the near future, I will add a cool background to the PC leaderboard and make the board look better. Right now it's just the default layout. If Nightfire PC gets more popular and has its own community one day, I can add more moderators and maybe more categories if it's worth it.

AlpineEscape curtiram isso
United StatesFitterSpace7 years ago

Originally, we only had Operative and 007 Classic difficulty for individual level runs, but I wanted to have time trials on here as well. Instead of adding Time Trials, I just added Agent and 007 difficulty, so you can do whatever difficulty you want and it'll have a place on the leaderboard.

As of right now, Operative and 007 Classic are the only full-game categories, due to a lack of competition at the moment. That could be different in the future, but at the moment it's not worth having for full-game runs.

AlpineEscape curtiram isso
United StatesFitterSpace7 years ago

There are a few things I want to talk about when it comes to speedrunning this game. First, there is a little bit of movement tech in this game. It involves starting a sprint and then interrupting it around 15 frames (half a second) before the sprint runs out. This is what it looks like:

Optimally, this saves somewhere between 0.1 to 0.2 seconds for each successful sprint cancels (That's roughly 1 second for every 6 sprint cancels). To save time, each sprint interruption needs to be within a 5 or 6 frame window. Outside of that, you will most likely lose time or possibly break even with normal sprinting. Keep in mind that the video shown above is a TAS, so it's unlikely that anybody's movement will actually look like that.

Besides Sprint cancelling, the fastest way to move is to start a sprint as soon as you are able to. This is faster than waiting for a longer sprint because you spend more time sprinting and less time waiting when you sprint as soon as possible.

Thankfully, all versions of this game seem to run the same as far as speedrunning goes. There are no known differences between the North American NTSC version and the European/Australian PAL version that affect speedruns. Even the versions with different spoken languages such as the Japanese version are the same because the different voices are simply dubbed over the exact same cutscenes. If that's not good enough, even different consoles run this game the same way. Whether you're playing on an original Wii or a Wii U, it won't affect lag and loading times. However, keep in mind that aging hardware could possibly run slower than newer systems. But in my tests with different systems, as long as the console isn't really old or damaged, it should run the same. Possible differences with hardware will only affect full-game runs because those are timed by real time. Speedruns of individual levels are timed with the in-game timer, which ignores lag and loading times.

Controller choice is another factor in speedrunning this game. You can play this game with a GameCube controller, a Wii Classic Controller, or the Wii Remote and Nun-chuck. GameCube controller vs. Classic Controller is really up to personal preference. As far as i'm aware, there is no time difference between them. I don't know enough about the motion controls for this game so I'm not going to pretend like I do. From watching videos of people playing with the Wii Remote, it appears to be slower because you can't turn as quickly. But I don't think it's really that big of a deal. Also it's worth mentioning that you cannot use the GameCube controller if you're playing on Wii U, even if you're using the official adapter.

There are a few of us working on getting the IL table filled up with good runs, so I would recommend watching those if you're interested in optimizing your times. PurpleSunDeryl is crazy good at coming up with new strategies and optimizations, and he's been doing a lot of work on this game lately. I've been doing a lot of work on 007 Classic runs as well as TASing this game. JamesBong3333 is also a really good runner and he's been doing Operative and Time Trial runs for a really long time. If you have any questions about anything in this game, post it on the forums and one of us will respond to you.

United StatesFitterSpace7 years ago

This game, like Goldeneye, has an in-game timer that is visible on the screen after each level is completed. From my testing, It's also very accurate. It keeps track of your full real time over the entire level (lag, cutscenes, and fadeouts are included in the in-game time). Basically, the in-game timer keeps track of everything that happens outside of the menus. The unfortunate problem is that it also includes the loading screens after completing each level, which means that in-game time could vary between runners playing on different consoles.

At the moment, nobody else runs this game. Deciding if this game should go by Real Time or In-Game Time was tough, but I think the best decision would be to just go by real time. You'll get the fastest loading times by playing on a PS2 with fast disc speed. However, this game isn't that competitive so I would recommend just playing on whatever Playstation console you currently own.

United StatesFitterSpace7 years ago

[spoiler]During my twitch stream today, I found out that strafing was significantly faster on the Xbox version, which is what I intended to speedrun this game on. But after testing out the same thing on the Gamecube version, it seemed like strafing was much slower than moving straight forward. This video aims to compare the movement in the Gamecube and Xbox versions of the game.

Basically, Holding forward on the control stick is the fastest way to move on the Gamecube version. Strafing is much slower on Gamecube. The exact opposite is true for the Xbox version, where moving forward is really slow and strafing is the fastest form of movement.

The biggest problem with strafing is that the camera will always be moving while you move. This means that optimal movement on Xbox would be to hold the left stick forward + left/right and hold the right stick slightly left or right depending on which direction you're moving. Holding the right stick will prevent the camera from moving and messing up your angle. This is obviously much harder to do perfectly than holding forward on the Gamecube version.

Another thing worth mentioning is that on Xbox, you don't have to be moving at a 45 degree angle to get optimal movement. As long as you're not holding the left stick exactly forward, you will still move quickly.

I believe the Xbox version will still be faster for full-game runs because of the insanely fast loading times, but Gamecube is almost certainly faster for IL's because movement is so much easier.[/spoiler]

EDIT: This information is not accurate. Please read my post below for information

Shadow_Dog e Bourne curtiu isso
United StatesFitterSpace8 years ago

I am aware that this isn't a bug, but backgrounds don't stretch to fit the screen. I set a picture (1920x1080) as the background to a leaderboard and people with monitor resolutions less than 1080p only see part of the picture, and people with monitor resolutions higher than 1080p will see the background repeated more than once. An option to stretch the background image across the screen would fix this problem for everybody

United StatesFitterSpace8 years ago

I've been working on routing and running 007 classic difficulty for a few weeks now. Started doing runs a few days ago. I think 007 classic should be its own category for the full-game leaderboard since it's different enough from operative difficulty. There are more objectives on 007 classic as well as not having health regeneration, which makes routing a lot more interesting. I think it's reasonable to expect sub 2:30 for 007 classic and that's my current goal with this game.

AlpineEscape curtiram isso
United StatesFitterSpace8 years ago

Saves roughly a minute. Pretty easy to do. I'm playing on PC but it also works on the console versions.

United StatesFitterSpace8 years ago

I moderate a game that has multiple disks for certain versions and I would like to have a way for people to include both times with and without disk switching, similar to how you can have a time with and without loads. Is there a way to do that?

United StatesFitterSpace8 years ago

Here is the video:

At the very beginning I throw a grenade at a roughly 45 degree angle straight forward. This grenade usually kills one or two bad guys that can really get in my way. Then I aim slightly to the left of the first enemy since the auto aim likes to go to the guys in the background. Pick up his AR-4 and kill the remaining enemies with it. If you run out of bullets, pick up another AR-4 instead of reloading the one you have, unless there are no other AR-4's nearby. Press A on the terminal and then hack the terminal across the bridge to lower it. Kill the enemies that I kill since they are the ones that get in your way most often. Once you make the next right turn after the bridge, there are going to be several enemies on your next right. One of them has a heavy machine gun. Kill him along with as many other ones as possible without losing too much time. Then kill the next two bad guys and go into the building. Use your shield before you go inside since there is a helicopter that will hurt you pretty badly.

The next room is pretty self-explanatory. Just kill the enemies and reload before going to the next half of the room. The final part of this room is very challenging. I just use what's left of my shield and get out of there as quickly as possible. When you get into the next room go up the stairs and press the button on the top floor. On your way down there will be a guy with a Mag-rail and a Venom gun. Pick both of them up and go into the next room.

Shoot the Mag-rail as soon as you get into the next room since it will almost always kill someone if you have auto-aim on. Stun the next guard you see and punch him to kill him instantly. Kill the guy on top of the large box then the guys on the ground level. I like to stun one person, shoot someone, then punch the guy i stunned. I feel like that is pretty efficient. The Mag-rail can do collateral damage if you can get two enemies to line up properly. I managed to do that in this video. Once you get rid of all the enemies in the first half of the room, reload (if you need to) then do the same thing to the enemies in the second half of the room. Stun, Shoot, Punch. Sometimes one of the guys will have a second Mag-rail. If you see it, replace the venom gun with it. (Note: One of the enemies in the second half of the room will always have a heavy machine gun. If you try to run through the room without killing him you will almost always die)

Once you get outside there will be an enemy on the right side that you can shoot. If you still have the venom gun, shoot him with that and punch him. There will be a gate that opens and four enemies will run out. Keep in mind that the running animation is scripted so you can't do damage to them during that animation. Wait for a short time then use the mag-rail and you should kill at least two of them. Getting a collateral here is extremely easy. I killed all four of them with two Mag-rail shots. If you don't have dual Mag-rails, pick one up here. Do not go through the gate until you have dual mag-rails with a good amount of ammo. Once you go through the gate, two helicopters will spawn. They only take two shots with the mag-rail, so press L+R to kill them. One of the helicopters will fly directly over you, so you can kill that helicopter in one hit since it's so close to you. Once you kill the helicopters, go through the next gate and use your shield so you don't take damage from the two enemies that leave that same gate.

The next part is pretty easy. Just keep going along the path until you get to the elevator. Use your shield ability to conserve your armor. Don't worry about using too much eye power. Your eye power regenerates and you don't need it for anything any time soon. Shoot the first guy in the caves and it should kill the person behind him as well. Just keep going straight and shooting any bad guys in your way. Like I said, this part is pretty easy and self-explanatory. You are most likely going to run out of Mag-Rail ammo before you exit the caves. Just pick up a gun from any enemy you killed and keep moving. The last enemy in the caves has an HS-90 and a Mag-Rail. Pick up both of them. (Note: It's better to have the mag-rail in your right hand for a part later in the level. you will be able to use it while riding along zip-lines if it's in your right hand)

After leaving the caves, Shoot every enemy you can with the HS-90. start using the mag-rail while you're reloading the HS-90. By doing this you will be able to shoot enemies constantly. Start using your shields once you go under the dump truck and kill as many of the enemies as you can without losing too much time. Go down the zip-line as soon as possible. You can snipe some enemies with the Mag-rail while you're on the zip-line. Be sure to use grenades to kill any remaining enemies before continuing. There is a guard with a rocket launcher on the stairs below you. Be sure to kill him before you do the skip in the video shown below.

After the Zip-line, Do the Crab Key Kirch Skip. A detailed video of this skip can be found here:

Kill the four enemies that spawn in the tunnel and pick up an AR-4. There will also be an enemy behind you but he doesn't always shoot at you. Kill him if necessary. Going through the tunnel is a great time to regenerate health and reload your weapon. Kill the next three bad guys and pick up Predator MG (the heavy machine gun). Continue to mow down the next group of bad guys. Keep holding the trigger because more enemies will come through a nearby door. Pick up another AR-4 from one of the guys you killed and keep moving. Pick up some armor here if you don't have any. Like I said earlier, enemies don't take damage while they're doing a scripted running animation. The next three guards will do that so you can run right past them if you're quick enough. I wasn't quick enough in the video so I had to kill them.

There is a huge group of bad guys immediately after this. Start shooting at them and kill as many as you can. One of them should have another AR-4 so you can pick it up instead of reloading. If you have to reload, hide behind one of the nearby boxes. There are more enemies at the top of the stairs so be sure to kill them quickly. One of them can have a rocket launcher so you don't want to be too slow. (This is a good place to wait and regenerate health if you have to.) Pick up another AR-4 if you can, or reload the one you already have and run across the next bridge. One of the enemies at the end of the bridge has a venom gun so be sure to kill him quickly. Use your shield if you need to. Run past the next group of enemies while shooting at them. One of them has a shield so just run past them. Go through the large gate and reload your AR-4.

When you go through the large gate and the end of the tunnel there will be a guard with a machine gun and a shield. For some reason his shield doesn't seem to work properly because you can kill him just like a normal enemy, even though his shield is clearly visible. Just tap R multiple times instead of holding it to make your accuracy at range slightly better. Drop your weapon as soon as you kill him. (To do this, hold R+A on the Gamecube version). There will be a rocket launcher to your left. Pick it up and start shooting at the tank on the right side. Never stop moving. Always be moving left and right to avoid the tanks firing at you. The rocket launcher will always respawn at the same place on the ground so you can pick up another one as soon as you're out of ammo in the one you currently have. Each tank takes four rockets to kill. Keep repeating this until both tanks are dead. Use your shield and move toward the next large door to finish the first section.

Section 2 is much easier than section 1. Sometimes you start with the default pistol and sometimes you don't. I'm not sure what causes this or why it varies, but I usually have the default pistol at the beginning of section 2.

Start off by strafing through the long hallway and throw a grenade at the door to kill a group of two enemies. Pick up the Venom gun and go into the next room. Shoot the guy to your right and punch him to kill him instantly. Then throw two grenades. One in the middle part of the room and one toward the next large door. They two grenades should kill two or three enemies. Go to the center of the room and press the button and quickly go to the next hallway. You will see a huge group of enemies, but just use your shield and run past them. They can't go through the door so you're safe when it closes. Keep going until you get to the part where you have to destroy Dr. No's aircraft. There is a set of armor at the end of the room along with a Mk2 Detonator. Pick that up and use it to blow up Dr. No's aircraft. It takes a lot of hits so be patient. Another Mk2 will eventually spawn in the same place so you can dual-wield them. Keep shooting Dr. No's aircraft until it explodes. Then move on to the next room where you will get to fight Dr. No himself.

Press D-pad up to select your hacking ability and hack the six green terminals in the center of the room. You can only hack two at a time with full eye power so you'll have to wait for a long time for your eye power to regenerate. You can easily camp in a corner until your eye power regenerates. The Dr. No fight seems hard at first but it's really easy once you know that you can just sit in a corner and wait. There is also a lot of armor in the rooms on the side. Wait for your eye power to regenerate half-way and hack a terminal. then go back and camp until your eye power regenerates half-way again. Keep repeating this until all six terminals have been hacked.

Sometimes enemies can get in your way. The Mk2 detonater is a pretty good gun, actually. It fires sticky grenades that you can detonate by firing again. Do this to kill an enemy that spawns with a heavy machine gun and pick it up. Use this to constantly shoot Dr. No until his shield breaks and he dies. Sometimes Dr. No can be a troll and hide behind the pillar in the center of the room. There isn't really anything you can do about that, unfortunately. Just move around until you see him again and keep shooting until he dies.

Once Dr. No is dead, go down the ladder and go down the hallway with the brown walls. (The rest of the hallways have grey walls). Keep moving down the long hallway and complete the mission!

kirch curtiram isso
Sobre FitterSpace
9 years ago
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