Victoria, AustraliaEliea1 year ago

Would be a good addition, could possibly have it as Sex% sub-categories or something like that. That way Bear% can also be a sub-category. But ultimately it's the Mod's decision.

tópico: It Takes Two
Victoria, AustraliaEliea1 year ago

Hi, I assume you're looking for the autosplitter for It Takes Two, we do actually have an autosplitter enabled for Livesplit, if you edit your splits, you'll see an option under the game and category settings saying "Autosplitter is available. (By Ironhead39 Lemuura)" All you have to do is click on Activate!

As for the discord invite, I'm not sure on the link availability. But here's a new link for you, hope it works!

Daemonweave curtiram isso
Victoria, AustraliaEliea4 years ago

Hey guys, we've had a few people recently upload speedruns in Iceborne gear (With Iceborne attacks as well) to base world. DO NOT DO THIS! If you did a speedrun that is a base game level with Iceborne gear, you MUST upload it to the Iceborne leaderboards.

Console: PC:

If the level doesn't exist on the Iceborne boards, please upload it to Not-Listed Quest, and mention in the description what the level name is, the moderators will do the rest.

Victoria, AustraliaEliea4 years ago

Hey guys, we've had a few people recently upload speedruns in Iceborne gear (With Iceborne attacks as well) to base world. DO NOT DO THIS! If you did a speedrun that is a base game level with Iceborne gear, you MUST upload it to the Iceborne leaderboards.

Console: PC:

If the level doesn't exist on the Iceborne boards, please upload it to Not-Listed Quest, and mention in the description what the level name is, the moderators will do the rest.

Victoria, AustraliaEliea4 years ago

We've added a new level for people to run their Ruiner Nergigante missions!

If you would like to upload an Arena Ruiner Nergigante mission, we have the level added now:

Please note: This is a modded quest. You can only access this mission if you have this mod installed:

Also note: Being a modded mission, this is only available on PC.

Thank you everyone! I look forward to seeing the new runs!

Popyhead curtiram isso
Victoria, AustraliaEliea4 years ago

You don't have to mod to do speedruns. The only mods that we allow are to reduce the amount of resetting runs, for player convenience.

Typically, most people only use visual mods for IL speedrunning, any and all mods they use are listed in the run description.

As @Popyhead said, most of the old mods may not have been updated for Iceborne, so most people don't have mods at all.

If there is anything else you'd like to discuss with us, please let us know ♥

Popyhead curtiram isso
Victoria, AustraliaEliea4 years ago

I'll update the category rules for that! Although it should all be listed in the TA Wiki Rules!

If you're using TA Rules, you're not allowed to use your slinger during your combos.

This is the same for TA + Claw. This only allows you to Claw the monster, Turn them (upto) 3 times, and tenderize the spot you're on. You are not permitted to use the Slinger Burst in TA.

In the TA Wiki Rules: Clutch claw:

  • Attacks using weapons and claws are allowed
  • Wall slam is not allowed

This board is for PC Runs Only There is a seperate board for Console Runs

Popyhead curtiram isso
Victoria, AustraliaEliea4 years ago

If you have the Iceborne expansion, you upload to the Iceborne Leaderboards This is for any mission, if you do LR/HR missions, you must upload it to this board.

If however you do not have the Iceborne expansion, you can still upload to the World Leaderboards

As of right now, if you're doing a run with someone who doesn't have the Iceborne expansion, it must still be uploaded to the Iceborne Leaderboards. Same if you do not have it, and someone in the party does.

Hope this clears some things up! Let me know if you have any other questions!

Victoria, AustraliaEliea4 years ago

An update on this, here's the new link:

If you do not own Iceborne, you can still upload to World speedruns. But if you have the Iceborne expansion, you MUST upload to the new link.

With the introduction to Iceborne, the monsters will act differently, however we can't do much about that. As for now it's unknown if it will be faster or slower for speedruns.

Best of luck in future speedruns!

Victoria, AustraliaEliea4 years ago

We've made a change with the new addition of the Defender Weaponry and Guardian Armour.

DLC has now been set as a Sub-Category, with the new weapons changing a lot of the Any% speedrun. This change will stop the DLC runs from making the runs without DLC obsolete.

This will only effect Any% speedruns. If you use any of the new things listed, please tag your speedrun as DLC.

  • Origin Armour
  • Fair Wind Charm
  • Guardian/Defender Armour
  • Defender Tree (Any Defender Weapon)
  • Early Weapon Upgrade Pack

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to send us questions here or on the discord

MASH curtiram isso
tópico: The Site
Victoria, AustraliaEliea4 years ago

Heya, there was a small mistake with uploading the new release of the Monster Hunter Series games. Would we be able to get it fixed?

The link to the game that needs deleting is And the new one to be added to the series is (will be chaning the link afterwards)

I have permission from @JalBagel to request this change, as he is the current main Series Mod of the Monster Hunter series. Thanks!

Victoria, AustraliaEliea4 years ago

It's come to the attention of the mods that there were 2 Quests that had 2 separate boards, and names. This is due to MHW having different names dependent on the patch of the game. This has been adjusted to be one listing for both runs.

If you speedrun the Quest called: Master of the Gale, please upload the speedrun to: The Winds of Wrath Bite Deep.

If you speedrun the Quest called: Hellfire's Stronghold, please upload the speedrun to: The Fires of Hell Bite Deep.

The rules for these 2 quests have also been updated to state that This Quest may also be named Master of the Gale / Hellfire's Stronghold.

Thanks everyone!

Popyhead curtiram isso
Victoria, AustraliaEliea4 years ago

Base game ILs are still being ran, and although they are on Iceborne Patch, they don't have access to Iceborne changes (Like weapon attacks and clutch claw) so they can still be uploaded here. All other runs must be uploaded to Iceborne, even if you're running World gear, if you have a Master Rank at all, you MUST upload to Iceborne.

Multiplayer uploads is just for clarification, making sure everyone is following the ruleset they're submitting to. As well as all in World / Iceborne content. I'm sorry your friends aren't able to record their screens, but ultimately I believe this should have been a thing a while ago. PC had made this change a few months ago. So we would like to keep some things consistent across all the boards. Understandably, not everyone has Iceborne, we may look into reviewing this rule soon.

As for gear, yes I agree, it should be happening anyway, however we're enforcing it now to make sure Iceborne runs aren't being uploaded here. On that note: If anyone had their run rejected due to Iceborne gear, and you don't see the quest you did, please upload to Not-Listed Quest.

MASH curtiram isso
Victoria, AustraliaEliea4 years ago

Hey everyone, to help with video submissions, we've changed the rules on uploading a little bit.

First off, Gear view! Please display gear for atleast a few seconds so we can determine between Iceborne gear and World gear. Iceborne gear must be submitted to the Iceborne Leaderboards.

Secondly, Multiplayer submissions. To make sure that everyone is following all the correct rulesets. Please display ALL sides of view. You can do this by posting the link to another user in the speedrun in the description. Any video can work, youtube, twitch, as long as it's the speedrun! (effective as of today, 7th November 2019)

Thanks all! Best of luck in your runs!

Victoria, AustraliaEliea4 years ago

Hey everyone, I've just been added into the Console mod team, I'm planning to work on the speedruns that have been sitting awaiting for verification over the next few weeks.

I know some of you have been waiting a very long time to be able to get your run verified. I'm hoping to keep atop of it and verify them as they come!

Best of luck in your runs!

Also a small reminder. If you're uploading an IL (Individual Level) Please upload to In-Game Time! It makes it easier to display everyone in the correct order! ♥

Victoria, AustraliaEliea4 years ago

Hey everyone, we've decided to push together TA rules and Non-TA rules so now they'll be displayed in the same leaderboard, instead of being 2 separate ones.

There's 2 reasons for this. For the first, it makes it clearer where all the runs are. So everyone can see how many runs there are (even using the View All on the Level Leaderboard) Secondly, we wanted to keep consistency, Both MHW Console and MHW Iceborne Console had them in the same leaderboard.

Some other small changes, TA Rules has been renamed to TA and Non-TA Rules to -. This makes it look a little bit cleaner for the boards too!

Also do note: If you do want to just see TA rule runs, you can select it by going to Filter > Rulesets > TA

Thanks all!

Popyhead curtiram isso
Victoria, AustraliaEliea4 years ago

Hey everyone. A few people seem to be getting a bit confused on what time to add to their runs.

Please make sure to assign the correct time slot to each run.

Individual Levels: Upload to In-Game time. Any% Runs: Upload to Real Time.

This will help show who is in the correct order for IL's (we've had a few people be lower than they should be because of this issue)

Thanks all!

Popyhead curtiram isso
Victoria, AustraliaEliea4 years ago

With the release of Iceborne, a new link will be made (most likely mhwpcib).

World runs will still be runable, however you need to make sure you're on World patch, not Iceborne patch. Any and all Iceborne content will be uploaded to the new link.

Older runs will still be listed under the mhwpc link, so they'll still be there.

With Iceborne patch though, you can still do World quests, it will just be listed under the Iceborne link.

Popyhead curtiram isso
Victoria, AustraliaEliea4 years ago

In some cases, one player cannot show the armour and skills of both players (or more)

This is an addition to make sure everyone knows the rules and shows their gear on their view.

Popyhead curtiram isso
Victoria, AustraliaEliea4 years ago

Also please note:

This will require all party members to display their armour and the end of mission time as well (For Individual Levels)

This will require all party members to display a timer on screen during their run (For Any%)

Sobre Eliea
5 years ago
Jogos jogados
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PC)
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PC)
Última corrida 3 years ago
Monster Hunter: World (PC)
Monster Hunter: World (PC)
Última corrida 4 years ago
It Takes Two
It Takes Two
Última corrida 4 months ago
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (Console)
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (Console)
Última corrida 4 years ago
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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls
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Jogos seguidos
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It Takes Two
It Takes Two
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Monster Hunter Rise
Monster Hunter Rise
Última visita 2 months ago
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (Console)
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (Console)
Última visita 6 months ago
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PC)
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PC)
Última visita 11 days ago
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PC) Category Extension
Monster Hunter: World (Console)
Monster Hunter: World (Console)
Última visita 1 month ago
Monster Hunter: World (PC)
Monster Hunter: World (PC)
Última visita 2 months ago
Jogos moderados
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PC)
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PC)
Última ação 20 days ago
Monster Hunter: World (PC)
Monster Hunter: World (PC)
Última ação 5 months ago
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (Console)
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (Console)
Última ação 7 months ago
Monster Hunter: World (Console)
Monster Hunter: World (Console)
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Monster Hunter Rise
Monster Hunter Rise
Última ação 3 years ago