1 year ago
Oregon, USA

Will we be able to submit runs using emulation, or only captured switch output?

kahuna curtiram isso

The latter. Switch emulators have been developed at outstanding pace, but lack the precision and accuracy to be able to properly compare runs to ones on actual hardware.

Thus, emulators are banned for the foreseeable future.

kahuna curtiram isso

quick question, would there be any issue with making a new category for ONLY emulators? (if the popularity is big enough of course)

Fortis_Voluntas e khuno curtiu isso
Oregon, USA

Okay sounds good, TreZc0! Thanks!

kahuna curtiram isso

@kahuna - Maybe at a later point - there are no plans for now, mostly to not inflate verification workload by too much.

kahuna e Shauqinu curtiu isso
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