Potential screen wrap
2 years ago
Toronto, ON, Canada

apparently there would be a way to wrap tom the other side of the screen. Something discovered by Emsemts.

  • "Tom went left and did come out right . I do not know how I did this only happened once I believe stage 3 or 4."
  • " I do believe it was timing when jerry is moving forward Tom moves back and it was a jump-"

if we can reproduce that, that would help to make stage 3 and 5 faster and maybe get a sub 1 min!

Quarbit curtiram isso
Ontario, Canada

Well that would be a game changer. Any footage of the glitch being performed?

Toronto, ON, Canada

unfortunately no, I wasn't able to reproduce it. I will try to record my attempts to do this glitch

Toronto, ON, Canada

Chatting with The8bitbeast on discord, he found a way to wrap around the screen using a TAS. it works but Tom would die, not sure if there is another way. Maybe if jerry is at the edge of the screen the game would count this as a catch?

That's the short video made by The8bitbeast:

Editado por o autor 1 year ago
Estatísticas do jogo
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100% Category

Talking with other runners, it might be fun to have a "100%" category: catching jerry at the end of each stage, when the screen stop scrolling.

The run would focus more on making jerry runs as much as possible without catching him.

for the stage 6, it's very tricky because of the dog. I Found

1 year ago
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