Wall Clipping
8 years ago

So I was recently doing some testing in the game (routing, glitching, etc.) looking for things that could make for a time save. While I was doing standard movement I managed to do a Wall Clip without use of the back flip death technique. This is where it happened:


I was simply coming up the bottom at high speed and ended up clipping through the ceiling where I am standing in the picture. Have any of you guys experienced this while running/testing? If you have any idea how to reproduce this, feel free to contribute.

Edit: I figured out part of the glitch. What happened is: when you jump up and barely land on a platform, the game will teleport you to the ceiling, almost like a vertical zip. This can be done fairly easily by using a visual cue and then back-flip wall jumping to the platform. I haven't reproduced the wall clipping part yet, but I presume it can be used anywhere as long as you have the back-flip ability. One place this combination would be useful is at ending of any% when it transitions from purple to yellow, you could clip into the ceiling and be brought straight to the end. I've tested this in other places and it turns out that you can only use it where there is a ceiling above you. If there's no ceiling, the game will crash because you'd no longer be in-bounds of the screen.


I really don't seem to get it. Can you make a video?

Here you go:

Ignore the fact that I do it starting from another screen, this is just an easy place to execute it.

If you do the same thing where there's no ceiling above, the game would crash.


Yeah, now I seem to get it sometimes least from the place that you showed on the video. But can't get it anywhere else just yet.

Now I understand why that glitch happens to me sometimes, it can also happen randomly when walljumping really fast.

Basically I think that the glitch that mentioned in the first post is a combination of that and the backflip glitch. It's possible to combine the teleporting and backflip, causing you to get stuck in the ceiling and move upwards.

Alabama, USA
She/Her, They/Them
8 years ago

Looks really interesting, sadly I haven't had successful attempts to recreate it in that area, due to my game always pausing for half a second whenever entering a new colored area. Not sure if it's just my computer settings or maybe I have a bad version of the game.

Oregon, USA

Voided, Ben did update the game in Nov of last year according to itch.io but that's the only recorded update. I've done the one in that yellow room on an occasion on accident, good to see it's replicatable.

I'm having OBS issues right now and can't stream or even record, so I'll at least do some testing tonight and try to get better at replicating it/look for spots where the teleport and/or clip could be useful.

Alabama, USA
She/Her, They/Them
8 years ago

Yeah, that's the one I'm using. Been doing more tests and it runs without pauses on my Windows 8.1 tablet, but does have the pausing when running on my Windows 7 desktop. Right now trying to narrow it down to what the difference between the two is causing the pausing; os version, amd vs intel cpu, etc.

I think I've figured it out. Will post more on it when I am certain about the new route.

I was originally planning on doing some recording to show how it's done, but seeing as how people already posted a run with the glitch being executed, I'll just explain it. You do it by getting the glitch I showed in the video and before you land except dive before you land. The top of your hitbox gets teleported to the ceiling as well as take you out of dive form on the same frame.

There are a few other clipping methods that I've found. All of them abuse the smaller hitbox (i.e. diving or dead) and then returning to the normal size.

Oregon, USA

Can you list the other clip methods? Any consistency with diving into corners and/or dive-without-backflip-clip stuff for you yet?

Aside, I haven't tried the new 3x deathless clip route yet for Any% but will hopefully do so later tonight. Also trying to reroute Rune% a bit to factor in the new tech and experimenting with deathless clip for some OOB stuff; fun stuff to be had.

Here's are some things I was talking to you about another day. I uploaded this "showcase" of various things. About 1 minute in is where some stuff happens, but I wanted to make sure it was clear what things could happen when you do that first method.

MarioBataliJr curtiram isso
Oregon, USA

Welp... that's pretty good. Nice work. So now we can skip all three entry locks to Teal Rune:


And if you have Super, you can do this on 3-horizontal-block-gaps from the platform you dive on to the ceiling you clip through. So now we can OOB backdoor the end of the game from the Yellow Rune room:


What's kinda cool is that we now have three choices for endgame in Rune% between the death clip, the deathless clip, and the dive clip; this is mostly interesting to me as it gives any new players who start running this different options for their comfort/skill level and still get decent-ish times on this section. Deathless is still fastest given its location but it's also the hardest trick of the three.

Route theory: Optimal for Any% is probably 3 deathless clips: In the room between Dive and Backflip, in the first purple room after leaving the green zone, and the one already in runs. No dive clips or death clips. Should allow for sub-minute runs. If you can get deathless clip without backflip (I feel like someone said you could but it was even harder?) then you get to skip one of the keys and grabbing BF, and the deathless clip down there too. Then the run boils down to 2 clips and falling down the wide shaft cleanly basically.

Rune%: This is tough. I think the best route is now get to Triple Jump, get Yellow Rune, death warp (don't bother with Yellow Key), narrow shaft Key, get Super, get the two Keys in the wider shaft, get Dive and BF, deathless warp up a room from between Dive and BF, Super tele to Pink Key, get Pink Rune, dive clip into Teal Rune, death clip to Orange Rune and deathwarp back, get Purple(Blue?) Rune, deathless clip to End. There may be room for improvements with more deathless clips but I'm not sure right now. Runs will definitely get under four minutes now, easily.

Your images don't seem to be there, Rare.

I just want to point out that I figured out that getting super is possible without backflip or triple jump.

Thoughts on new rune% route (excluding triple jump/super skip):

Get triple jump, then death warp back to the start. Get key 1 from any%, super, key 2 from any%, then the key right of the green shaft. Go left to get the dive and then backflip. Go down the hole into orange area, go right and down to cyan (maybe get orange rune while we're here? it's either that or the death clip). In the room of cyan with a save, stand on the second to last platform from the bottom, backflip dive right (same technique I show at the very end of the video) and jump to get stuck in the ceiling that will bring you to the rune and key. Take the save in the room to the right of where you did the glitch, go through cyan backwards while skipping checkpoints to get the purple rune, then death warp. Go left through blue and get the blue rune. Move upwards until you reach the same yellow entrance you entered at the start for triple jump, then jump up through the hole in the ceiling the zipper room. Make a right through the zipper room and get the yellow rune from below. Do the dive + jump clip for the 3-block gap in the same room, then just head right for the end.

I haven't tested this out yet, but think this is everything you need to complete the game,

rarelike curtiram isso
Oregon, USA

Ah, silly website. New links; seems like we do the same yellow rune room oob method but a different one for the teal room.


I'll have to try your method as this one can be pretty strict, and if you clip too early and go through the lock-wall on your way up you'll land on a checkpoint and have to manually backtrack to the clip spot. It's a considerable timeloss but you can mitigate it a tiny bit by grabbing orange rune while you're up there, as it's only one room out of the way, to avoid having to do the death clip to get it.

For others, this is the one for the end of the run:


I'll mess with your route when I can and see how it plays, it sounds viable. How are you getting Super without triple jump? I thought maybe you were dive clipping somewhere beneath the teleport destination to the Super area but I looked at Krisu's map and it doesn't look like you've got a spot to pull it off unless you're getting sideways into the wall from teal key room in the bottom right corner.

OrangeCrix curtiram isso

I was originally going to post that I've never been able to do it without slowdowns because I tried doing it for 10 minutes the other day and couldn't do it. However, I managed to do it in 5 minutes today, then in only two tries when I recorded for the GIF. So this is clearly viable for a speedrun with practice. It's much harder than Abstract bridge in YHtWtG in my opinion (only Rare or Mario will understand this), but only because of the slippery physics.


I hope these new skips don't cause Krisu to lose interest in THIS category now. Things are just now getting interesting.

krisu curtiram isso
Oregon, USA

Hnng. I tried that for a bit but could never get it; probably compounded by also having backflip when testing/not trying without it. Given that and my setup for the teal key which doesn't need backflip then your route (modified to skip triple jump until end) is likely best and should set a new standard pretty solidly. Between this and the death warp section through teal, this is going to be a pain to get down.

Actually, much like the bridge skip in YHtWtG, the trick is much "easier" if you let go from the wall and then jump while you still can. It's possible with backflip... it might even be easier too. It definitely is easier to reach the second wall with it.

As for getting the triple jump at the end, I'm not even sure we need to get triple jump at all. If we skip triple jump, we'd have to get backflip... and the opposite would be the same for if we skipped backflip. I think it's best to get backflip though because you only enter a few extra screens to get the key and powerup. Yes, there are a less screens that you have to enter for triple jump, but all that time spent would be cancelled out by the pure speed of backflip wall-jumps.


I hope these new skips don't cause Krisu to lose interest in THIS category now.

Have to say that kinda do :P But do not worry, I will still try to any%, but not now. I'm still speedrunning the game, but I'm I putting any% in hiatus for now. Rune% is much more fun to me to be honest.


What do you guys think about having a glitchless category? I think that there might need to be a separation because the new All Runes (maybe we should call it this instead?) route is likely to cut the 3:00.

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