PS4 question
2 years ago

Does the ps4 verison crash while enter into the sewers or is it just my console?

IanC26 curtiram isso
United States

I think just your console. I didnt have an issue with it

United States

Crashing is common on ps4. Especially in sewers and the nightclub I’ve heard

soulmass218 curtiram isso
United States

I was attempting runs tonight on my old PS4 and didn't have any issues with sewers, but nightclub crashes every time even if I start the run after a fresh power cycle of the console. :/ Very frustrating given it's so deep in the run.

Bretagne, France

Made this. It shows basically what I get on PS4. As you can see I tried reload cp or quit game but the crash happens all the same. I'm trying to figure out what the reason of all that is cause it seems some PS4 runners haven't been experiencing issues. Also I was wondering about hard drive you're using. Any SSD user ? I have HDD.

Editado por o autor 2 years ago
United States

I have an old PS4. First couple years production. No SSD. Still haven't had any issues in sewer, but nightclub is almost every time even when quitting out and reloading from checkpoint. Framerate drop is significant in there and then crash. Have also tried deleting and redownloading the game to no effect.

Dalarna, Sweden

I am getting random crashes everywhere. So for me it does not happen more often at specific locations like nightclub for example.

hi folks,

for me the game crashed 3 times per run on 1st generation ps4 +ssd! version 1.03

  1. rescue Doc. way back to slums after shutter
  2. start of sewers (as shown above)
  3. nightclub (after placing lever or pushing button)

and since time is captured in RTA, the speed of your system to reboot the game defines the run. this is kinda huuhhh..

alright, I have to add this to my post here: the technical condition of this game is below 'early access' - its basically broken. in one run I have 3!!! crashes, after I reloaded checkpoint - with state of game you're far far from being competetive. I think it even got worse with the patch to v.1.03. I have now glitches that werent there before, for instance I could not enter through the bars to get the key's for Clem... and so on. awesome game, really.. but for speedruns a broken product that deserves complete refund.

Editado por o autor 2 years ago

Idk, it might be the console, but I play on ps5, so I don't know anything, but from what I've seen, it is possibly the software, but it can also be the specific model of console that you have. For now, the cause of the crashes are still unknown.

Editado por o autor 2 years ago kinda feels like memory/cache of ps4 fills up and capitulates at some point, indicated by massive frame-rate drops.

To me it seems random I’ve never not had it crash but the one time I didn’t I got a 130 but I ran out of memory so I only recorded one third of the run😑

Bretagne, France

Just curious @Disheveled_Doggo what type of ps4 do you run on ? I have slim version with HDD and I know that the first fat ones (HDD) are experiencing crashes too. Maybe you run on pro or you have SSD, just wondering what these crashes are actually related to. Also FeelsBadMan about the recording.

Ohio, USA

Samurai, I have a slim with HDD (the small HDDs that run better than an actual full sized one. I ran into no crashes after the patch rolled out. Am I just lucky now?

Dalarna, Sweden

Nimrod, the glitch where you get Clems key was there before the patch. I don't feel that the game has improved at all after the last patch.

SamuraiBlue curtiram isso

I have a PS4 Slim with HDD and I got 2 specific crashes in all of my runs: The entrance to the sewers and nightclub. I had this theory that if you could restart the checkpoint before you speak to Momo, the game won't crash. I tried it out and it worked. The way that you can do this is simple: As soon as you enter the "warehouse" to save Doc from the Zurgs, restart your checkpoint before you activate the lever. The game will restart your checkpoint at the same exact spot and the game won't crash in the entrance of the sewers.

Nightclub is pretty much the same thing: As soon as you enter in the nightclub, wait 1 or 2 seconds, pause the game and restart checkpoint. This worked for me. Try it for yourself.

dairi2566 curtiram isso
Dalarna, Sweden

I play on a used fat old slow PS4. I've noticed my game is running slower (and it lags and crashes all the time as well) than, let's say PS4 Pro or good PS4's with SSD. That means I can't go for top times which is a real bummer. I have 1:25:18 (Glitchless) atm, and the best time that I can get with my poor hardware is probably a high 1:24. The point is that if you want to compete with the top times you have to play on a really good PS4 version.

Editado por o autor 2 years ago
United States

That's correct and has been the concensus on the Discord. PS4 Pro is fastest loads and has no crashes. PS4 Slim has slightly faster loads and slightly less chance of the two crashes (still high chance). Original PS4 has longest loads and will almost always crash in the two known spots. The category for PS4 will not be split. Better consoles will simply have better times.

Dalarna, Sweden

But can't we with bad PS4's just extract the time from the crashes so we dont have to reset 9/10 times? It would make it a lot easier on the grinding.

Because that seems like the most fair thing to do.

Editado por o autor 2 years ago
United States

Since we're playing on console and the IGT isn't reliable to use for speedrun timing, we're forced to use RTA. That means time between crashing and restarting the game and loading last checkpoint has to be counted, otherwise the category becomes even less fair in the long run. If we could use IGT then it wouldn't be an issue, but RTA means we must live with it. It's just part of running on PS4/PS4 Slim.

Meliora curtiram isso
Dalarna, Sweden

Thanks for the answer!

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