A possible new exploit involving 120Hz/240Hz and faster cut-scene skips
1 year ago
Ontario, Canada

Hi all! I'm here to inform you guys about something I found while messing around with different refresh rates! I doubt it's a big discovery, but it definitely could be used to save time in certain runs (All endings, Best ending, any ending involving Tails)

This contains some insight as to what it is: Cut-scenes are skipped faster (I think) via an unknown cause. This first happened when I made the switch to 120Hz for my NoEasterEgg% run sub 1:05 attempts.

Here is a video explaining all the known knowledge on it, which unfortunately isn't much:

Bryan_XPG e sosku10 curtiu isso

Imagine you need the 120Hz monitor to speedrun the game.

JanC3381 curtiram isso
Ontario, Canada

I really hope not. In a similar sense to Geometey Dash, it would turn away newcomers because it would seem like skill is based on wealth, which isn’t true.

Also, it turns out that it saves quite a bit more than I expected! Going frame by frame, you can save up to 1.14 seconds per cutscene Here’s a comparison of my run vs Bidicrafter’s run: (Also thank you Bidicrafter for inspiring me to run this category)

This is all I have for now. Hopefully someone else can replicate this to even out the playing field. :D

Bryan_XPG curtiram isso
Ontario, Canada

Well this is big news I guess. My version of the game broke. :/ I'm currently redownloading the game in hopes of being able to replicate what I did the first time. If it causes the game to break, this could be bad. :( Until then, this could be (quite literally) a game breaking glitch.

Bryan_XPG curtiram isso
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Discord creator: JanC3381

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