Why is emulator ban??
3 years ago

Its banned due to faster load times, you can still do speedruns on your own, no one is stopping you, they just cant go to the leaderboard.

Glitchedblood, ely_ e 5 outros curtiu isso
Wisconsin, USA

Yeah, emulators tend to do that. Even though VC has shorter load times, they are allowed on the leaderboards.

Shadow64 curtiram isso

Probably because the VC version is an official release

Pear curtiram isso
United States

Because emu and USB loading are not official releases of the game, they are not allowed. Also inaccurate loads.

Pear curtiram isso
New York City, NY, USA

Diamentos why do I see ur profile pic everywhere on Galaxy streams and discord’s?

Georgia, USA
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

Mentos is just super active in the community, so it's common to see him, along with others, in streams and discords.

SUPERSMASH e linny356 curtiu isso
Utah, USA

So there aren't any emulators that run the game the same as official releases? Or maybe there could be another category for emulator?

Minnesota, USA

If you actually read through any of this forum you would have seen that emulator is banned because it has inaccurate loading times and it's not an official release by Nintendo. There most likely won't be a separate official category for emulator runs but you don't need a leaderboard to run something. I wouldn't be surprised if someone has made an unofficial emulator leaderboard, so you could either look around or make one yourself if one doesn't exist.

Also, don't necropost; it's annoying and there's a reason the thread has been inactive.

Utah, USA

I actually did read through this forum, and I did see that it’s because of the inaccurate loading times. Maybe I should’ve specified more, but either way, you know what I meant.

Also, I posted here because it was relevant to my question, instead of making an entire new thread.

United States

so...ur lazy?

Indiana, USA

Oh got em

Utah, USA

No idiot, there was already a thread relevant to my question. I take back what I said earlier about relevance now that you joined.

  1. It is very unnecessary to call someone an idiot when they take the time to respond to your forum post, I don't know how you can expect anyone to actually want to respond to your question when you address the people like that.
  2. An emulator is not an official release of the game, it is in the definition of an emulator, it EMULATES the official version, which automatically makes it an unofficial version on its own. Secondly the load times are inconsistent and even if they were slower than Switch or WiiUVC, emulators will always keep a layer of fishiness so we have decided to flatout ban all usage of any emulator for speedrunning. If you want to use an emulator so badly, then fine, we're not stopping you from doing so but you being stubborn should be beyond you caring about the leaderboard at that point.
Ringo6575, Scrapz, e Pidgey curtiu isso
Washington, USA

If you have a really bad computer, you can sometimes get inconsistent frame rate and even lag at higher settings. There’s also bugs that are not present in the original versions, and because of that, it is banned.

Utah, USA

Ok, thank you for giving me an actual response. Ig i’ll have to look into getting a Wii then

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