New Discovery
10 months ago

I found a glitch. You can climb up a wall by walljumping on it with the parachute cap. It's #cra-crazy. I'm going to clip it before anyone plagiarizes it (if you will use it you must add copyright Cactus, 2023)

I'm breathing so hard. O.M.G. Thanks for listening Super Mario Wonder Community.

SMOFan_5 curtiram isso

Sorry, but I think it is already known for at least a day.


That's doesn't even feel like a glitch. It's rather a cheese I'd say


Y'all are just haters.


i found it on my first playthrought lol. also, spining on a wall jump gives you more height


lmao, i thought its build as purpose, not as glitch LMAO

BryGuy_ e FarmingSim curtiu isso
United Kingdom
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
10 months ago

0/10 didnt laugh

FarmingSim e CodeMorio curtiu isso
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