New Category?
5 years ago

Would it be a good idea to make new categories of the tall tale stories? Like individual stories or all stories back to back?

United States

Assuming the tall tales are time sensitive like other story lines introduced, the record would be unbeatable when the story ends. Would it upset the community if the record was made unbeatable? If this doesn't, I don't have a problem creating the category. Let me know what you think.

Maryland, USA

I dont think they are time sensitive, they have achievements and commendations attached to them.

New South Wales, Australia

The biggest problem with Tall Tales is the RNG, so some runs might die if people get a bad island.

United States

RNG has always been a big part of the Athena's run. Things like other players looming in the distance, Meg always a potential threat and the Kraken that will ruin a run. I like it, I think a big part of being a pirate is luck. I'll play through the Tall tales and get a feel for it and come up with some rules. Give me a few days, but it'll be runnable by the end of the week. Happy sails pirates.

New South Wales, Australia

Oh yeah no question the environmental side of RNG is amazing, during the any% Athena run I did a Kraken hit us at Plunder. I'm talking about just island locations, I believe you can get lucky with the Art of a Trickster and have the clues start at Plunder.


Some Tales might better to speedrun than others. There's not that much rng involved with Tale n°1,6,7,8 and 9. To me the most interesting Tales to speedrun would be the n°1 (Shroudbreaker), n°9 (Shores of Gold) and n°7 (Fate of the Morningstar).

Tale 7 is the fatest completable tale in the campaign, well under 5 minutes with a brig or gally crew. Actually it's so fast that it could be the most reliable way to farm gold on a server.

United States

Hello Anemion. Welcome to the forum/ community. So individual runs as well as a 100% may be necessary?

United States

Also congrats to Deadeye TMP for the new world record run. Under 40 minutes, pretty impressive.

New South Wales, Australia

Thank you very much, that Karken was out to stop our run haha!

Ohio, USA

I think the tall tales would be good because i would like to start running this game but am not pirate legend

United States

Yeah, Tall Tale runs would definitely lower the bar of entry and hopefully bring in some new runners. I'd definitely be interested in runs of them, especially 7 as mentioned above due to it being able to be completed so quickly.

NeonNewt curtiram isso
United States

Ok community. The new categories are up and ready top run. Happy sails. If you see any mistakes in the rules let me know. Good Luck!!

United States

If you are new to the site or are having trouble finding the categories they can be found at the game main menu to the left under level leaderboards. Click the individual level and add your run there.


Are we allowed to gather any supply, gunpowder or Collector's chest before starting a Tall Tale ? The rules don't specify it so I suppose it's ok.

In Tall Tales n°9, the door to the underground can be left open by another crew (or yourself during a previous attempt). Is it ok to simply skip having to open the door or should we still be required to canon over to the statue and drop down even if the opening mecanism was already activated ?

Maryland, USA

I think you should have to shoot onto it for consistency, its far faster without have to do that because you don't have to sail all the way around and landing on the statue takes more skill. And if I was doing this tale I wouldn't want to have to start the tale go open the room then go back and restart just to save time, its just easier if everyone always has to shoot over to the statue.


I have been running the shroud breaker solo a few times today. I am thinking if times do get posted there is going to be a massive time difference between a solo run and two people on a sloop a brigantine etc. just by virtue of being able to split roles a bit. I'll record and post a time at some point anyway to get the ball rolling.

United States

Id say in an any% run you can stock your boat and have anything ready youd like. The door being open isnt an issue.. its an exploit that can and should be taken advantage of. Whatever is faster. Ill review all runs when I get home.