A Summary of How to Move Fast
A Summary of How to Move Fast
Atualizado 7 years ago por gulpt

So, I've found that constantly punching on the ground increases your speed. This of course isn't applicable everywhere, being that on some levels you have to wait at some point anyways, no matter how fast you go. That being said, most levels do have a point where it suddenly becomes free reign on movement tech.

There is a potential speed boost you can sometimes get. I have no idea what causes it, but I think it has to do with hitting enemies on a slope. I've gotten it in a run before, and it essential sends you flying though the air at almost the speed as a Dashing Attack. (Note: definitely a thing. It actually helped make a cycle, when I had already messed up on the level.)

Due to the lag at the end of the Dashing Attack, it isn't really usable in many places. It is however usable at the end of each level. You go slightly further if you jump before using the dash. The timing might take some time to get used to, but just keep going for it in runs, and you'll start getting it more consistently. I basically recommend using a forward dash, when you don't have to deal with the lag. Lag can be cancelled by:

  1. A disappearing platform.
  2. Landing on the corner of any platform. 3: Getting hit.
  3. Bouncing on enemies. (Note the is very useful on "City Wide Blimp Ride". My best time on that stage is a 19 via these strats.)

Map Movement.

Potential time save: It's known that holding towards the level you are going to will spawn your character icon directly on the next level, but I have had trouble with entering; because, as best as I can tell, the game won't register a button input while a direction is being input. Which brings me to my thesis. If you hold towards the level you want and release that input around the time you collect the third medal, and then spam the button to enter the next level, your character icon won't even appear and you will auto enter the next level. It's really hard and only saves a second, AND sometimes when you mess it up, you re-enter the level you just did. So whatever.

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