All Chapters Categories for each sport
11 months ago
Minnesota, USA

Yo! Has anyone done all chapters speedruns for the different sports? I did a run of "Bike Tricks all chapters" as well as "snow tricks all chapters" today. Would be fun categories! I don't think you can delete your save file so I just started at chapter 1 and did them all in order while getting 1st place in each. Started timer when pressing x to start the first challenge and stopped the timer when it says Finish/Congrats at the final chapter.

I plan on getting the dlcs soon and routing bmx all chapters and skate all chapters. Is there a discord for speedrunning this game?


texan_red_wolf curtiram isso
United States

Would also be interesting to see leaderboards for completing All available bike/snow/multisport races.

SupaScared curtiram isso
Minnesota, USA

That would be sick! Here's what the Snow Tricks All Chapters run looks like so far.

United States

How did you determine what Snow Trick events were needed? For Bike/Snow Races, I filtered the map and had to find them all, but did it based on the region.

Minnesota, USA

Each event is a numbered chapter so I just did each one in order. Theres 33 for snow tricks. Every time I open the map, I also filter to snow so its easier on the eyes. I made a very low quality map of the challenge order and use that to help me remember where to go next. I'll post it in a few minutes, my ipad just died

United States

Oh nice! I know there are other snow tricks/bike trick events that aren't Chapter based but are Sponsored Events like the Prada one. I wonder how long it would take to run all the events on the map.

Editado por o autor 10 months ago
Minnesota, USA

That would be cool to find out! I think all stunts could be sick too! Skate career all chapters is not fun at all. 13 of the 15 challenges are 3-5 minute timers. Bike stunts and snow stunts have been very enjoyable though!

United States

If there was an End Run function like in the THPS games that would make Skate Career more viable imo. The stunts for Skate and BMX hurt my soul.

I'll think I'll try out Snow/Bike Stunts this week. Also sounds super cozy.

Minnesota, USA

I agree! Stoked to see your snow/bike runs!

United States

I had to wait for it to post, but here is my All Bike Races run:

SupaScared curtiram isso
Minnesota, USA

That's awesome! I really like the idea of doing the chapters in order but whatever ends up being fastest.

United States

TBH, I was too lazy to hunt down the chapters in order lol.


I’ve recently did an all bike races speed run and got 1:09:55, would be a cool category :)


I reorganized the categories and added chapter sports :) Good Luck all !

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I created a real discord for the riders republic speedrun

2 months ago
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