Corner climbing patch - Crescendo
11 months ago
United Kingdom

What’s going to happen to the leaderboards now that corner climbing is patched, making garden skip in Crescendo impossible?

(Also jungle skip in Isle)

chaos9 curtiram isso

We all should give thanks to Brodie. Only reason it got fixed is this video: I guess have to archive the old runs. Rip garden/isle and many more skip, First video about garden skip and first time showing corner jumping here:

Calgary, AB, Canada

is it a bad thing that it got removed? i never expected that video to do as well as it did, and if anything i never expected them to patch it because of me. my bad if a bunch of runs are obsolete now

chaos9 curtiram isso

Not sure if others have noticed this yet, but pinch climbing being patched has resulted in odd behavior around walls such as not being able to clamber objects that are close to the wall anymore unless you are facing parallel to the wall (as opposed to looking straight at it) making climbing on doors such as for the act 5 GT skip or act 4 crimson screen skip much more annoying and making skips such as clipping around the act 7 boxes or clipping through the scaffolding in Mines more difficult.

Editado por o autor 11 months ago
chaos9 e tickytac curtiu isso
Pennsylvania, USA

yeah, im pretty sure they just increased the padding on the player hitbox or something like that. kind of disappointing as it means that there's no new code that could possibly be exploited really, they most likely just increased a slider

Editado por o autor 11 months ago
Beanie_duh, chaos9, e Fusi curtiu isso
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