Runs where the player doesn't shoot everything that moves
6 months ago
United States

An OBJ % rescue all civillians category would require signifigantly more skill than the current obj%, where players tend to shoot everything that moves. This turns what is supposed to be a tactical SWAT game into just another shooter.

Plus, speedruns just don't look as visually impressive for a SWAT game when the player immediately shoots a surrendering innocent in the face to avoid skipping the handcuff animation.

Editado por o autor 6 months ago
Texas, USA

Understand where your coming from but I will say it takes more skill than anything just saves time. for example you have to hit 1 chest shot. head or limb messes it up. I will talk to team about this!

Texas, USA

(also you can't shoot surrendering civs you have to hit em before surrendering or else your team goes hostile)

United States

(also you can't shoot surrendering civs you have to hit em before surrendering or else your team goes hostile)

Ahh I was specifically referring to some of the Duo world records I've seen, haven't watched any solo WRs


I understand that sentiment but my counter point is that S% currently fills that space currently. However, we are currently internally discussing the addition of Arrest% which would be a variation of Obj% where you can not shoot civilians. There is a massive variety of runs to do in RoN Speedrunning :)

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Update for Speedy or Not


Strap in everyone because there's a couple of things to cover.

Disabling Fog After extensive discussion within the team we have decided to allow all runners to disable fog if they so wish to through editing the .ini file. The mod team is very concerned wit

6 months ago
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Postado 8 months ago
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