100% interest
8 years ago

are people interested in seeing a 100% category on the leaderboard?

The rules would be:

-All BSAA emblems -All S ranks(on 1 difficulty) -All Guns(found in game, not the unlockable ones) -All Gems/Treasures http://i.imgur.com/i3cMv6r.jpg

Any question or if people are interested they should let us know in this thread by posting.

gameplaylibrarian curtiram isso

Might do it someday, but not now.


of course this would be RTA, re-doing certain levels to get S is going to be a thing i believe unless your accuracy is on point :X


yeah its not that hard

the only one i had trouble was 6-2

Kentucky, USA

No, it wouldn't need more rules. Feel free not to play this category but this one is up to Deln for the rules. So please complain to him if you don't like them.


just dont miss any shots, easy.


if you dont like it then that is fine

not everyone has to run it either haha

Tennessee, USA

I know I'm a bit late but I'm down for this, I've been thinking of a way to do it and it will take some routing and planning to get ready and optimized but that's only natural. If I do it it will be a co-op run, in which I agree bothe players should have S rankings, but aside from that I agree with the rules in the original post.

Deln curtiram isso
Tennessee, USA

All the Xbox one players I wouldn't mind getting together in a party sometime and possibly discussing things like routing and optimization.

Kentucky, USA

Pretty much this is Deln's ballgame. He makes the rules for this and if they're fair then it's a go. But I would agree to a group talk about this.

gameplaylibrarian curtiram isso

i gave my point on the "rules" on the first post, getting S for both players(in a coop run) is only natural.

gameplaylibrarian curtiram isso