100% Route (GameCube)
100% Route (GameCube)
Atualizado 6 years ago por KirbyComment

This is a guide for anyone who wants to get started with 100% speedrunning in Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc.

This route is specifically made for GameCube, as it is the fastest version to run this category on. Not only because this version has faster skips in general, but it also can make use of the Menu Breakout Glitch to reload levels and store the score that you got, to basically dupe your score.

To learn the route in detail, CLICK HERE for the written version of it. This version notes the score combos you get during the run and backup strats if anything goes wrong. Furthermore, it is highly recommended to also learn the route by seeing the run in action here:

When you are ready to begin your speedruns, use THESE SPLITS as an easy reference to know what your score should approximately be at after each level. It also shows what your minimum score has to be by the end of each world to get the smiling Murfy Stamp.

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