trying to find very difficult tracks
4 months ago
United States

what are some of the most difficult tracks you have played? if possible please put a way to access the level code.

California, USA

These two were so hard sadly there 0.2.0 exclusive but here are the level codes


i would say Highway to Hellven, or some random kacky track

Minnesota, USA

I created a kacky map that's really hard to beat



that one isnt to hard, took me a few minutes, but mostly bc i coundt decide for 1strat, there are like 5diffrent strats to finish this

Minnesota, USA

what were the other strats? maybe im just bad


the finish i did, wallridebounce, then fullcrash the block dragonyeet(jump from the mountinas with high speed) bounce aginst the railing of finish block, to bounce to finish bounce on the start thing, cause its a few pixels higher, and then maybe aginst the railing for more height


thats all the strats i can think of rn, there are prob more,

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