Hi Everyone! (Game under new moderation)
2 years ago
Victoria, Australia
Super moderadorTheMaid_
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

Howdy all! As of recently the mods for this game decided to leave, leaving runs un-verified and no mods to do so. Due to this I applied and am now the new moderator. If you submitted a run please check the leaderboard as the new times should be up. Also a huge congratulations to both Jester and tjwombo, For breaking the 5 minute barrier and their world record times! I would just like to take the time to acknowledge tj's record as due to the fact that there were no verifications until today it only showed up as world record for a couple minutes. If you have any question or suggestions please let me know.

<3 - Ya Boi

Editado por o autor 2 years ago
Dust, tjwombo e 2 outros curtiu isso
Estatísticas do jogo
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Official speedrunning document is now in guides!

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