Any% Round 2 Info + Route
Any% Round 2 Info + Route
Atualizado 4 years ago por Raagentreg

(formerly Any% NG+, until I found an ACTUAL NG+ glitch using save corruption)

SRAM file (find your emulator's SRAM/battery save folder and put this there with the same name and extension as the existing TCG save file there, and the emulator should load it):

Any% NG+ is a short meme category I made up that beats the 8 Club Leaders in any order, followed by the Pokemon Dome, from an existing save file. This lets you use any 4 premade decks you want, with an insane power level allowing crazy plays not possible in normal runs.


You can use any decks you like in this category, but the four decks I used in the record all have a 36 card base of the best trainers in the game: 4 Professor Oak, 4 Bill, 4 Energy Search, 4 Energy Removal, 4 Computer Search, 4 PlusPower, 4 Item Finder, 4 Gust of Wind, 4 Full Heal

The four decks and the route go hand in hand, to minimize deck switching while also minimizing world map movement as much as possible, so I'll just talk about both at once. You could shorten resets by moving the harder clubs sooner, at the expense of more deck switches or longer world map travel.

Deck 1: Electabuzz (For Amy) 4 Electabuzz, 2 Lass, 2 Defender, 4 Gambler, 12 Lightning Energy

Being the first fight, I reset heavily on slightly slow Amys. Except for Lapras, all her basics have 40 HP, so I like to get 2 PlusPowers on turn 1 to get a Thundershock kill; the Gamblers are there to help with that. The 2 Lasses I have in these decks can be used in a pinch to shuffle the opponent's deck if they suddenly pull an Oak right when you were about to win. Frankly they aren't of much use here, since I'd just reset if she pulls out an Oak or too many basics. If she has a Goldeen out, it's a good idea to Gust of Wind to Squirtles/Horseas and kill them instead, to avoid Bubble and Smokescreen.

Deck 2: Ponyta/Paras (For Nikki and Gene) 4 Ponyta, 2 Parasect (deck edited to 2 Paras, 4 Parasect after Nikki), 2 Lass, 4 Defender, 2 Potion, 6 Fire Energy, 4 Double Colorless Energy

As opposed to safer methods like Magmar or Scyther, Ponyta and Paras are the highest turn 1 Fire/Grass damage dealers. In NG+, I try to get a kill every single turn if possible, to try to prevent the opponent from drawing more bench Pokemon and getting a 2-4 prize fight. Ponyta and Paras share a deck slot since their decks have a similar theme of using DCE, and needing a decent amount of recovery/protection trainers to keep their flimsy bodies alive. For Nikki, Oddishes are your top priority; however, leaving an Exeggcute alive could result in an Exeggutor evolution. Bulbasaur is mostly harmless; I've never seen an Ivysaur, though she might Breeder to a Venusaur. After a DCE on turn 1, get a Flame Tail ready for turn 3, to be more ready for her evolutions and not run out of PlusPowers. For Gene, going second against Rhyhorn is the worst start. First against Rhyhorn with a DCE can be nice; if he doesn't Potion or Energy Removal you, he won't attach an energy to Leer. Later, be sure to Gust of Wind to benched Rhyhorns and Parasect PlusPower Slash them. With this deck power level, you could go for a triple PlusPower kill on Onix, although the time it takes to get all of those might not be worth just 2-shotting it. Be weary of a surprise Mud Slap, Horn Attack, or Graveler Rock Throw kill. Be sure to Gust of Wind or Energy Removal these threats, or Potion/Defender when necessary. He has no PlusPowers luckily.

Deck 3: Hitmonchan (For Isaac, Murray, and Ken) 4 Hitmonchan, 2 Lass, 4 Defender, 2 Potion, 12 Fighting Energy

For Isaac and Murray, I would PlusPower Jab a lead Kangaskhan so that (barring Potions/Energy Removals) he doesn't use Fetch on his turn. I would probably not keep going second against Kangaskhan; it lowers your chances of having a good fight drastically. Isaac is pretty straight forward, although Electabuzz lead can be a pain if you don't have Full Heals. You might be able to triple PlusPower Jab one, or double PlusPower Jab a Tauros. For Murray, if he has Snorlax or Chansey lead, try to Gust of Wind to Abras to PlusPower Jab them while you're building up a Special Punch. Unfortunately, Mr. Mime and Chansey both are gonna take 2 turns to kill; Murray is horrible as always. Mr. Mime will do 20 damage if you have 0 damage already, but 60 damage if you have 20 already. Be sure to Defend/Potion/Energy Removal appropriately. Same goes for Abras that have 2 Energy; a Super Psy could be on your way if you don't stop it then. For Ken, try to be aggressive in Gusting and PlusPowering to get early kills, especially if he has Magmar or Growlithe lead with Jigglypuffs/Tauros on the bench. Keep Chansey from Scrunching no matter what you can do.

Deck 4: Legendary Zapdos (For Rick, Mitch, and Dome) 4 Zapdos, 2 Poke Ball, 4 Scoop Up, 2 Super Potion, 12 Lightning Energy

Zapdos' Big Thunder does 70 damage per turn starting turn 3, which is great output, especially against Pokemon like Mewtwo, Hitmonchan, and fossil Moltres/Articuno. And having 4 Zapdos and 4 Scoop Ups also makes Peal of Thunder strats possible! Since you'll often be leaving Active Pokemon out for a while, you want to Gust to a relatively harmless or slow-to-attack one, like Porygon, promo Mewtwo, Growlithe, Voltorb, Ditto, Seel, and legendary birds. You do NOT want Confusion or Paralysis coin flip attacks coming at you every turn! It's not only slow to get through the animations, but requires extra work to Full Heal the effects! The best active Pokemon is a non-attacking one. Peal of Thunder's 30 damage can take out Porygon, Mankey, and Magikarp, and also bring the Legendary Birds or Kangaskhan/Lapras/Zapdos into Big Thunder range. Trying to get these kills is good to save a turn, as long as you have a Scoop Up handy; you don't want to risk Big Thundering your bench! Don't soft reset to manipulate them if it's not worth it; I've lost a lot of time like this. It's important to understand a bit about how Peal/Big Thunder's RNG works. Obviously, coin flips and deck shuffles change what the target will be. The target is just a location, so if you want to kill their active Pokemon but Big Thunder is targeting bench 2, Gust of Wind the active with bench 2. It'll still hit bench 2, which is now the threat. Peal of Thunder will usually hit the same target Big Thunder would, although sometimes it hits your active instead. PlusPowers will increase the damage done by both Big Thunder AND Peal of Thunder. (shoutouts to 000aj for telling me this oddity) However, it only increases damage done to an Active Pokemon. This can make it advantageous to have 80 HP Pokemon like Lapras out in front (or Gust them to the front when Big Thunder will hit the front) to save a turn with a PP'd Big Thunder. It also means that, against a 2 Dratini Rod, you could beat him on turn 1 with just 1 extra Zapdos, 1 Scoop Up, and 1 PlusPower. If you get lucky and both Peals target their active Pokemon. Aside from Rod, it's possible for a Grand Master to have only 1 Pokemon out; this means they have their Legendary card in their hand, waiting to place it on their turn. Do whatever you possibly can to get a turn 1 Peal kill in this instance!

You can edit the decks any way you like; I went low on recovery trainers, but you could go even lower and add more Gamblers, or play it safe and take out some Lasses. Hope this helps anyone wanting to run this insanely fast, fun category!

Original work not done by Raagentreg

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