Possible NPC movement manipulation in Chapter 1
4 years ago

So, I have been thinking about this for a long time, so here it is.

In Chapter 1, you have to collect three flags in the palace for Whistle Wishes. Normally, as far as I'm aware, the blue unicorn will always go up, blocking your path to the flag directly. Luckily, the hitbox of the flag makes it more forgiven. The yellow unicorn is easy to dealt with since she only moves down AFTER you obtain the second flag. The worm in the room with Princess Cherilee will move down, so the player must go straight and go down-right to get the third flag. This is most annoying part because then, you have to go back up-left and go straight.

Now, for the juicy part. For some reason, if I can recall, if you position Rarity just in the right spot when transition to the next scene, the blue unicorn will instead go down, giving you a direct path to the first path. However, the second one will instead go down after you're in the room for about 3 seconds. Luckily, there is a zone where the second unicorn cannot enter, I supposed, so with the hitbox of the flag. The third flag can now easily obtained because the worm would stay stationary, which gives you a direct path in and out of the room.

I think I did got the manipulation in the WR and the video I'll be published in my new channel (since I forgot the password). The reason I called it 'possible' is because right now, as of I'm writing this post, there's not a consistent setup yet and really lack of understanding of this.

I may look more into this.

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So, another rule change, because I am a dumb mod. And it has been too long...

3 years, huh...?

Even though I did promise to "change" the ruleset once we experiment more, that never came to fruition. Also, in hindsight, asking the runners to specify specific versions is really a tall order to ask, plus, I didn't do it myself. So, I'm gonna make some changes here:

  1. You are
1 year ago
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