Emulator Settings for Speedruns
Emulator Settings for Speedruns
Atualizado 1 year ago por dlimes13

The following settings are required for emulator speedruns:

DuckStation 2021-05-23 or later at Fast Disc Speed (FDS)

Console Settings:

  • Enable Clock Speed Control (Overclocking/Underclocking): 600% (203.21MHz) (You can run this lower if need be on lower end systems)
  • Read Speedup: 2x (Quad Speed)
  • Seek Speedup: 10x

All other settings should be default, aside from minor visual changes such as resolution, upscaling, etc. to your preference.

DuckStation 2021-05-23 or later at Standard Disc Speed (SDS)

Console Settings:

  • Enable Clock Speed Control (Overclocking/Underclocking): Unchecked
  • Read Speedup: None (Double Speed)
  • Seek Speedup: None (Normal Speed)
  • Use Read Thread (Asynchronous): Unchecked

Emulation Settings:

  • Runahead: Disabled

Display Settings:

  • Show OSD Messages: Checked
  • VSync: Unchecked

Enhancement Settings:

  • Force NTSC Timings (60hz-on-PAL): Unchecked (PAL speed should be 50 Hz and not adjusted by the emulator)

All other settings should be default, aside from minor visual changes such as resolution, upscaling, etc. to your preference.

RetroArch 1.9.3 Beetle PSX or later at Standard Disc Speed (SDS)

  • CPU Dynarec: Disabled (Beetle Interpreter) [Default]
  • Cycles: 128 (Default)
  • CPU Frequency Overclock: 100% (Native)
  • GTE Overclock: Disabled
  • GPU Overclock: 1x (native)
  • Skip Bios: Disabled
  • Access Method: Synchronous
  • Loading Speed: 2x (native)
  • PAL (European) Video Timing Override: OFF
  • Recommended: Keep PGXP Disabled

All other settings should be default, aside from minor visual changes such as resolution, upscaling, etc. to your preference.

Bizhawk 2.2 or later & Mednafen 0.9.48 or later use all default settings. Be sure to read Game Rules for details on submitting an emulator run.

Any questions, feel free to reach out to a moderator.

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After a brief discussion, using the minimal installation for (PC) 2000 is now approved for the leaderboard.

This will continue to be a work in progress to eliminate all potential crashing points.

You can find more information on this forum post here:


27 days ago
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