Can I upload a video of my speed run even if it has a water mark from the software?
2 years ago

does anyone know? hehe

Washington, USA


martin_cast92 curtiram isso

Thank you! my trial version already expired and... tbh I dont want to purchase the full version for now heeh I will upload it with the water mark


What kind of Software are you using? If you need a screen capture software, download OBS Studio. If you need a video editor, download Davinci Resolve. Both are free and very good.

Regarding the watermark: I don't think anybody cares as long you can see most of the game clearly.


I was playing for around an hour to finally reach 29 bosses in survival mode Metroid dread, so I just needed those 25min of speed run , I crop it with filmora but of course there is a water mark , let me try davinci, thank you

United States

For verification purposes, as long as it's unintrusive (not covering major parts of the game feed) and at least somewhat transparent I think it would be fine. Though definitely not preferred at all.

martin_cast92 curtiram isso

Thanks a lot Izzychu, the water Mark doesn't interrupt the visual of the game for sure