Is there any difference between Any% and 100%???
3 years ago
Illinois, USA

Any% - Players may use skips/glitches.

Any% Glitchless - Players may use skips but no glitches.

100% - Players may use no skips/glitches.

Discord Server

Editado por o autor 3 years ago
Gamegamer360 e EllaTAS curtiu isso
Queensland, Australia

I think he's trying to ask what he can't do. Currently, the only skip in the map is the honeycomb hollow skip, discovered by me. This can be used in both Any% and Any% Glitchless, but not 100%.

United States

Any% means that no matter how you do it you must Win the game

Any% Glitchless means that you must beat the game without Glitching, but skipping is allowed.

100% means that you must beat the game without Skips nor Glitches

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