Moderator Request
7 years ago
British Columbia, Canada

I was wondering if I could possibly get assigned to the moderator ship role because I think I am trustworthy knowing I'm one of the longest players to play sb played it 3 days after it came out till now and I think that it's kinda not fair that everyone except me and ironexx aren't getting mod, So I am just asking if I could just please have mod, You have my word that I won't absue it.

United States

added as well as ironexx since you have been playing for a while. Make sure to verify other peoples runs too.

Estatísticas do jogo
Últimas notícias
Server IP clarification

Currently, we accept runs on Speed Builders World Cup servers: and - notice that the IP has changed since the last announcement. I will update the IPs of the servers if they change again.

9 months ago
Runs recentes
Nível: The snack that never ages
Nível: Hang Your Coat Up!
Últimos tópicos
Postado 5 years ago
4 respostas
Postado 1 year ago
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Postado 1 year ago
3 respostas
Postado 2 years ago
1 resposta
Postado 2 years ago
1 resposta