Soul Reaver Any% Glitchless Guide.
Soul Reaver Any% Glitchless Guide.
Atualizado 4 years ago por TheDementedSalad

This game makes use of jumping, or should I say bunny hopping to move faster. Scroll down slightly to see the movement speeds. Ignore superspeed as it is glitched and is not for this run. It also explains them better than I ever could.

  1. Enter the physical realm. Cutscene skips - - Thank you Twincross for telling me about this

  2. Finish the tutorial.

  • Cutscene skips When you first meet the Dumahim there is a cutscene if you try to push the block. Flip it instead and you won't get the cutscene.
  1. Activate the abyss gate Note - This is the only gate you activate in this run. Cutscene skip at the cliff - - Thank you Veictas for telling me about this

  2. Get ambushed at raziel's clan entrance.

  3. Enter the crypt.

  4. Drop the weight. Fast puzzle blocks after weight -

  5. Push block off ledge.

  6. Activate the machinery so you can lower the platform.

  7. Lower the platform using lever.

  8. Burn wood to lower platform.

  9. Place fires on inner corner of platform to lower it further.

  10. Find and kill Melchiah. Note - This fight is very easy. After the cutscene starts to begin the fight run to the right and grab the lever. Wait for him to chase you in and as he goes under the gate let go and it will crush him. Pass him, then run a straight line from that gate to the other one, jumping over and through the center as you go. This will make him follow you instead of his ai bugging him around. rinse and repeat with the other lever. Jump into the middle circle and when he comes in jump back out, run to the crank and turn it. Fight -

  11. Save and quit. Load back in and go to the first gate you activate in the tutorial. Take it to the abyss and go to Kain I.

  12. Kain I is a rather simple fight. All you have to do is hit him 3 times. If you do it correctly, the fight will play out the exact same way every single time. Since I suck at explaining, heres a video.

  1. Now time for some fun, I introduce to you the Kain 1 skip. This neat little trick changes the route so instead of going to the Cathedral you instead go to the Sarafan Tombs and aquire the telekenesis upgrade. This can knock off around 2-3 minutes if you do it first time, and is more of a risk vs reward skip. It's quite hard to do so you will need to practice it a lot, I can only somewhat consistently do it myself.
  • - Credit to Veictas
  • - How I do it
  1. Once you have done the skip make your way to the Sarafan Tombs, after the cutscene upon entering the open area DO NOT go into the tomb. Instead you will be skipping the majority of this area. Area skip - - Found by Veictas

  2. Once you have done this skip keep running and you will hit the boss encounter. Kill him and the sword/telekenisis upgrade is yours.

  3. Save and quit. Load back in and go to the Silent Cathedrals gate via the tutorial way, remember to do the cutscene skip from the very first instruction otherwise the cutscene will play. Note here that because you now have the reaver the jump is a little harder to do. When you reach the main gate open it. Cutscene skips -

  4. Make your way up the village and enter the Cathedral.

  5. Extend the platform so you can pull the lever. Note - the wraith blade is very important in the Cathedral as it is the quickest way to deal with Zephonim. If you get hit and lose it, it's most likely a considerable time loss. One hit will incapacitate a fledgling, two will incapacitate an adult. Simply press the stab/impale button once they're incapacitated to kill them. Puzzle -

  6. Activate the vent so you can fly up.

  7. Ring the two bells.

  8. Break glass I Puzzle -

  9. Break glass II Puzzle -

  10. Break glass III Puzzle -

  11. Break glass IV Puzzle -

  12. Activate Vent II

  13. Push pipe I

  14. Push pipe II

  15. Turn valve I

  16. Push Pipe 3 Note- this pipe is where the third valve is. Where the second valve is, pull out the block so the rubble falls, then go push the pipe.

  17. Turn valve II Note - This is the third valve, just after you push the pipe go turn it.

  18. Turn valve III Note - Now, go back to where the second valve is and push the block to is. Then turn it.

  19. Find and Kill Zephon Run back through the area you just came through to the pipe that flows upwards, on your way back you will notice a torch on the floor just before you reach said pipe. Become physical and grab it, then head to Zephon. Note - this fight is also pretty simple. Chuck the torch just to the right of his egg sac and then either wait for one of his legs to attack you and hit it or run up to him and slash the egg sac, he will scream and lay an egg which will automatically set on fire because of the torch. Grab the egg and chuck it at him. Rinse and repeat twice.

  20. Don't save and quit, instead run back the way you came and take your first left. Activate the teleporter and teleport to the bridge. Once at the bridge teleporter head to the bridge and get hit by the Dumahim so you don't have full health. You will need it for the next jump. Don't forget to skip the cutscene trigger again. Cutscene skip -

  21. Now you want to head to the ruins. Jump over the first gap towards the ruins, then you are going to have to do a specific jump. This video explains it better, but you must crouch walk to the very corner of where I jump from. Crouch jump, spread your wings at the right moment and grab onto a very specific part of the ledge. It's a hard jump to do if you don't know it properly. The jump - Found by DaeMord

  22. Once past here continue down the path until you reach the pool. You alo need to do a couple specific jumps and hopefully land/grab the edge. This one is much easier than the previous one. The jump -

  23. Enter the ruins.

  24. Block puzzle before furnace. Note - The way to do this puzzle in the run is different than how you could normally do it. It involes stacking three blocks on top of each other, dragging them out four spaces, jumping onto the blocks and then to the platform. Puzzle -

  25. Turn on furnace.

  26. Lower the bridge.

  27. Push the pillar to open Dumah's room.

  28. Find and kill Dumah. Note - This fight is very simple, stay close to Dumah and let him chase you all the way to the furnace. Turn it on again and he dies. Be careful though, he will stop and try to slam the ground. You can listen for when he stops running and you must be in the air when he slams the ground. You can listen for audio cues.

  29. Spin the sundial.

  30. Do the block puzzle. Puzzle -

  31. Open the door to the oracles cave. Note - You can spin everything without having to kill any of the Turelim.

  32. Go back to the entrance, do the cutscene and then spin the fire.

  33. Do the colour puzzle. Puzzle -

  34. Do the clan symbol puzzle. Puzzle -

  35. Do the picture block puzzle. Puzzle -

  36. Do symbol and lever puzzle. Puzzle -

  37. Finish future visions.

  38. Find and defeat Kain II. Note - This fight is actually quite easy as well, and Kain requires three hits. One each cycle, kain will teleport out and in. The trick is to stand still until you hear him teleporting in and for the first two times you hit him he will teleport opposite you. After you hit him a second time he will go to the top most platform. If you stand still after that cutscene and listen for when he starts teleporting he should be two platforms to your right. Hopefully this video might show it better.

And that's it! Hopefully this guide was actually useful and I hope I explained most things properly. I know there aren't many runners for these games especially glitchless being that it's such a long run, but I wanted to make sure that if any new people ever wanted to run this game the resources were available for them. This is a great game and in my opinion a super fun run! If I missed anything let me know, and I'll try to update it if the run ever changes.

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