Minor speed tech I noticed
6 years ago
Ontario, Canada

Hi, I noticed while practicing a while back some speed tech for this game.

There are many spots on the levels which will speed you up if you are not holding enemies. Almost every down slope in this game, this is true, plus some other weird places for this to happen.

I wanted to comment on this because I noticed top runs holding enemies they don't end up using through some of these spots, losing essentially free time.

On top of this, I've noticed top runs shoot the ring when they don't need to grab something, even though this makes klonoa slow down for a moment.

I just don't want to hoard speed tech that I've found, even if I'm not likely to be a top runner any time soon.


Hi, I'll inform those players right-away, thanks.

kinkinkijkin curtiram isso
Aichi, Japan

Hi, thanks for teaching! Klonoa can definitely walk faster on down slope, but I couldn't confirm a difference in speed whether klonoa holds enemy or not. I have not tested it in all place, so I might overlook. I will inform when I will notice something.

kinkinkijkin curtiram isso
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