1. What is needed that a Speedrun is valid?
1. What is needed that a Speedrun is valid?
Atualizado 4 years ago por Swagorath

1. Video proof 1.1 Generation of the new file with Ironmanmode and Historical AI 1.2 Full Video from start to end 1.3 Showing a way to verify the version of the game (ideally the start menu which shows the exact version) 1.4 The Video should be of good enough quality to read the top bar

2. Follow the rules of the Speedrun 2.1 If you want to submit to a RT category dont use speed 5 2.2 Most Categories have rules against highly RNG based events (like france rejecting rhineland) 2.3 Sometimes Categories are not only explained by their name look at the Completion Requirements

3. Small exceptions 3.1 old runs which do not fully fulfill the requirement will not be removed without high suspicions 3.2 If runs are "not that good" they can still be verified besides lack in dokumentation as long cheating can not be identified 3.3 In IGT categories the proof requirements are reduced a bit as long as the time is reasonable (no WR), there is the enddate captured and it is Ironmanmode the run can be verified.