Can we please get a sticky Autosplitter thread?

Autosplitters are really great and worth the time creating, but not enough people know how to do it, or that they even exist and i am terrible at writing tutorials, so can please somoene else make a written tutorial and sticky it?

OmegaFallon e Havi curtiu isso
Colorado, USA

Every game is different, there's no 1 way to make an autosplitter for every game.

OmegaFallon, HowDenKing, e MLSTRM curtiu isso
French Southern Territories
  1. Find memory adresses and offsets using Cheat Engine, there are plenty of tutorials on Internet.
  2. Write a simple ASL code using the ASL documentation. a) For game time, if you have a boolean value, just do this if myvariable is True when the game is loading: isLoading { return myvariable }

b) For game time, if you have a numeric value, return it using gameTime: gameTime { return myvariable // myvariable being a variable converted in the correct unit } c) Same thing with autostart, autosplit, reset, you have to return the value that are useful for your module : start { return gamehasstarted } split { return startedloading } reset { return shitImissedmyABHovergoo }

Finally, there are plenty of resources in the LiveSplit Github pages, with plenty of examples. Also, there is a discord channel to discuss if you need any help :

OmegaFallon, Jamacanbacn e 2 outros curtiu isso

I know how to do an autosplitter... My whole point is that i want a Proper Complete Start to Finish Tutorial for other people.

United States

The tutorial is not going to help unless they are trying to remake it for the game you are doing the tutorial on. As mentioned it is different for every game. The process will also differ depending on how difficult the game is being.


If it cant be teached in a tutorial, how where people able to learn it? It isnt the exact same for every game, but finding the right value is the only thing which really differs and when you know how to find a value in generall and know how to programm with the value, you can do it yourself with some simple logic thinking. But you first need to learn how to search for a value and how to use it in an autosplitter, thats what we need a tutorial for.