Lots of different leaderboards
6 years ago


So... I stumbled on the MySims leaderboards and when clicking through it, I was annoyed there were many tabs. Some empty, some filled with 1 runner.

I do understand the many boards and categories in World of Warcraft for example. But doesn't it annoy you when you want to check a childhood game and stumble on those many boards and categories? Maybe it is just me. ^^

West Sussex, England

I see it as a multitude of challenges to overcome, and forge myself. :)

Seydie curtiram isso

Emm the my sims just my sims game ? :) well there are 4 versions of the game which are super diffrent if you watch the ds and wii run only you will see two tottaly different games. We decided as a community to show emulator on the tabs as you will see in the fourm on the game and the stars are the different levels of the game. :)

I am currently working on 2 star just need to set some time aside to record it ^^ the game has only just started getting runs on to it so of course it is pretty empty right now :) sorry about this but yeah it kind of needs to be done and I love having 1 to 5 star gives me more to do :) ^^

NihilistComedyHour curtiram isso


Ahh yes ^^ I do understand why there are so many tabs. For a moment I thought the DS and Wii were the same games but in different tabs, because they were run on different consoles.

Some moderators decide to seperate every version to a whole new game leaderboard. Thanks for the reply :) (probably want to run the Wii version)

MelonSlice curtiram isso

No worries :) yeah you totally should will be super awesome to see another run on the board :D Scoagogo is amazing a really good mod :D yeah I hope it goes well :) also feel free to ask me any questions is you have any ^^