Hey wouldn't it be funny if we had 100% IL's?
9 months ago
United Kingdom

No idea how it would work though, like all 9 collectibles would be obvious, but what about guests? Would you need to get both? Would you also need to get them to level 4? If so would doing it in the level you were running be mandatory or would any level be fine? I think its pretty funny to think about lol

United States

All 9 collectibles and get both guests I say, time ends when getting second guest with all collectibles.

Wee_Mewon curtiram isso
United Kingdom

I'm stepping down as a mod

Estatísticas do jogo
Runs recentes
Nível: Queen Anne's Revenge
Nível: Door Factory
Nível: Over The Castle Wall
Nível: Axiom Captain's Deck
Últimos tópicos
Postado 10 months ago
3 respostas
Postado 10 months ago
5 respostas