Level Specific Guides
Level Specific Guides
Atualizado 4 years ago por aerodynamic

This guide will consist of guides made for specific levels. More levels will be added over time. I recommend first reading and practicing the small strats guide. The levels will not be in order. Difficulty will be noted on the levels. 5 = Very Hard & 1 = Easy.

Level 34 Difficulty 4.5/3.5

Routes: Hard/Medium and Very hard/Hard

Medium: Strats used: Cycling/Wait Strat, Bubbling Over (kinda), Firehopping (Optional)

You will start this level by cycling/waiting for a bit until the left soda just passed the torch. When he is past the torch, start the level. Immediatly go down the hole and hold left. Use your double jump to evade the explosions (if you waited correctly the 2 sodas should be on top of eachother). Grab the key and go right. Jump down the hole when the 2 sodas are on top of eachother, then quickly back off again. Go further while avoiding the saws. Evade the another pair of sodas by just backing off. Go further and grab the keys by the hotdog throwers. The rest of the level plays out as usual. If you did everything correct and you end up at the buzzsaws at the end they just should've moved, so just continue forward until you find your son.

Very Hard/Hard: Strats used: Bubbling Over, Firehopping

As soon as you can, start moving. Go down the hole, do 2 firehops between the sodas and Bubble Over the soda on the left. Go to the right and jump over the first and back off for the second. For the last 2 sodas, you need to Bubble Over both of them at the same time. The rest of the level plays out nearly the same, just some more risky movement at the hotdogs.

Level 32 Near Inhuman and TAS

Near Inhuman Strats used: Bubbling Over

Only try this when you're pretty experienced and comfortable with the game. This also requires a lot of Bubbling Over.

This is a very straight forward route. But it is frustratingly difficult. You have to Bubble Over 5 times, with four of them being very hard. You want to start going right as soon as you can. You need to jump over the first soda and then jump over to the next platform and then Bubble Over him without stopping. Go further right and then you will see your first big hurdle. You need to bubble over the soda and then jump back on the same platform. This might seem impossible at first but it is doable. Then jump further and Bubble Over the next soda (again without stopping). Then move as quickly as possible and use the balloons to go over to the pizza guys. Run under the first and jump over the second. This will take a while to get right. Making it under the first pizza is very tight. Go further and you should be able to get to the elevator in time.

Bubble Over the first Soda, dodge the second, jump over to the 3rd Soda's platform (DON'T land on the balloon) and Bubble Over him. Land on the balloon by the last Soda and then land on his platform and simply dodge him. Then you can jump over to victory.

TAS: Literally the same as the last one except you also do a Bubble Over on the very last soda. Might not seem like much of a challenge but it's a very tight jump.

(No video evidence, but it has been done)

Level 22 Insane Strats used: Firehopping, Cycling, Spike Jump

You start by waiting a little while until the spike platform has come down near you, then when the top op the platform is at the start of the walls, you can start the level (yes i know sounds complicated, just watch the video). Go up as fast as you can and run right, you'll barely avoid the spikes. Grab the keys as usual and you should have the last key just as the platform is coming down. If you're fast enough you should be able to land on the springbox before the platform has gone up. Go to the right again, wait until the right platform has gone down and then jump to the left side of the platform and land on the edge. Then carefully jump then hold right and use your double jump. Then you can go tho your child.

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