Messing around with mechanics, found some oddities.
7 years ago
Ontario, Canada

Don't really want to call these glitches as they serve no purpose right now.

A couple things I've found.

  1. You can't void out while warping. Usually this is fairly pointless anyways because you wouldn't be able to warp in a void out spot, but most animations in the game delay the warp until they are done. Side attacking by sidestepping and attacking, then landing in a bog where you would drown, but warping before you land causes you to drown and warp at the same time.

If you would game over, you'll warp and end up with 1/4 hearts. I'm guessing that the heart values are clamped to 1/4 at all times to prevent stuff like this.

  1. The "frozen" state is pretty broken (as far as broken goes in this game). Unlike most other animations, it doesn't end when you hit the ground or water. As a result, it is possible to delay cutscenes, and even save in a trigger where cutscenes would occur.

Like the other glitch, if you land in a bog frozen, it doesn't void you out until you've broken the ice. Oddly though, it won't damage you.

Unfortunately warping and voiding out at the plateau breaks the ice instantly, which is odd because the bog doesn't. (also, can't get frozen while warping)

  1. If you "void out" over the plateau with 1 heart left, it doesn't actually void you out, but kills you instead, meaning anything that would be prevented from voiding out still works. (which is nothing anyways as of writing this)
Editado por o autor 7 years ago