New Moderator!
New Moderator!
Postado 2 years ago por

A New Moderator has joined the community!! Everyone give a warm welcome to Samylol99! Not only did he just recently start speedrunning, but he immediately demolished 4 of my previous set world records, he's definitely very dedicated and although he has just begun, I can already tell that he'll be a total prodigy at this game, I look forward to competing more with him and hopefully both him and I can inspire many others to join and submit many runs alongside us!

Estatísticas do jogo
Últimas notícias
Individual Level Runs • New Sub-Categories Have Been Added!!!

We have a huge announcement all the Beat Stomper Moderators would like to share!

No Boost and No Stomp have now been added to our Individual Level Runs!

Thanks to the help of our moderators ElectroWeb, Coalan, and Samylol99 we have fina

2 months ago
Últimos tópicos
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Postado 1 year ago
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