Records per level
9 years ago
Île-de-France, France


I was wondering why you were moderator of this game while there is no run for it, is there ?

I'd like to do records per level, what do you think ?

California, USA

Well I was going to do runs for it, but it got postponed considering my SNES broke and I have to buy a new one. Records per level? Ahhh idk bout that. You can if you want, but why not just do any% run???

California, USA

But if your committed to this game, I can make you a mod if you want.

Île-de-France, France

Hmm I think it's not that funny to do a decent any%, since most levels look the same and you have to learn by heart everything. Some levels have hard tricks also :o

Anyway, I'm gonna try doing an autosplitter, because I want precise times for each level :D

Sure, mod is always cool


Yo baruch! You comin for my WR soon?

Île-de-France, France

hmmmm maybe :p but are you ok with losing your wr ? :D


I'm ok, gl with that though :P it's a hard game

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Postado 5 years ago
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Postado 8 years ago
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