What should we do about certain scenarios occurring mid run? + Full game runs
5 months ago
United Kingdom

Me, CwnTsu and VentureMatical was doing a full game run, but on the teleport between "Mere Seconds Away" to "Abandoned Hospital", Venture's game failed to teleport him, so me and Cwn had to continue without him for the remaining two levels.

We experienced another issue on "Channelsurfing" in the exact same run, where The Director simply doesn't spawn when triggered, making it impossible for the game to end.

I'm still going to submit the full game run but just stop the timer when I stopped recording, which is estimated to be around there anyway.

Speaking of the full game run, since I can't record for more than 20 minutes, I will submit both parts of the run in one submission. The "Part 2" video includes the last level of the first part, so it shows that it's not two different runs put together. I also started the Part 2 timer when the "End of episode 1" shows, because I submitted chapter 1 separately.

United Kingdom

we wouldve beaten the game if it didnt bug man :C

United States

"I'm pretty sure you need to beat the game to submit it" well if you watched the entire run, you'd see us complete ch1 and then go on to ch2 where the game bugged out on the very last level, which is out of our control. Assuming that final section after getting the remote, clicking the TV guy off, and then holding e to finish the run would take around 30 seconds (which is probably more then it would take realistically) then just add 30 seconds to it, since its not our fault the game is bugged.

United States

"suck it up and redo the run" how about how we redo the run multiple times and get the same glitch multiple times in a row, maybe fix the game.

United Kingdom

suck it up and redo the run: coming from the mf that doesnt play the game

no real way to prove you actually beat the chapter: because the game glitched and made it impossible to actually beat the chapter, the time i stopped recording was already atleast a minute over the usual stop time anyway

ofc our chapter 1 run is fine, because there's no bugs in that chapter

United Kingdom

i can vouch for cwn, we've had this glitch multiple times, its purely rng that it spawns the director

United Kingdom

the multiple runs you have on this game are all slow chapter one runs, except from the 1 full run you have which is im guessing your only experience of chapter 2, with 4 other people